
Alla inlägg den 30 januari 2022

Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 30 januari 2022 22:00

Bombshell: Can vaccine NERVE DAMAGE be REVERSED with this home-grown molecule called sulforaphane?

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Image: Bombshell: Can vaccine NERVE DAMAGE be REVERSED with this home-grown molecule called sulforaphane?

(Natural News) A molecule found in home-grown sprouts is documented to activate nervous system stem cells to regrow nerve tissue and repair damaged nerves and brains. This molecule is created automatically, at zero cost, when broccoli sprouts are sprouted using something as simple as a mason jar and a sprouting lid.

The molecule is called sulforaphane, and it’s found in all cruciferous vegetables. But its highest concentrations (by far) are found in broccoli sprouts.

Sulforaphane is just one of many “neuritogenic” molecules that are known to regenerate nerve tissue and help repair damaged brains. Given that mRNA spike protein vaccines cause direct damage to neurological and vascular systems, sulforaphane may represent one of the most important, promising natural molecules to help repair and restore brain damage in vaccine victims. has done extensive research on sulforaphane and other natural molecules. Their list of neuritogenic substances, found at this link, shows all the following substances exhibiting documented neurological repair capabilities:

  • Lion’s Mane (mushroom)
  • Green Coffee Bean
  • Ubiquinol
  • Curcumin
  • Puerarin
  • EGCG
  • Jujube
  • Gensenosides
  • Cannabinoids

Green Med Info has also published an overview of sulforaphane and its brain repair mechanisms as documented in published science. From that story:

The researchers determined the optimal concentration range of sulforaphane in promoting neural stem cell (NSC) growth without harming neurons. The researchers determined that “Concentrations of less than 5 mM did not induce cytotoxic e?ects, but rather potentially promote the growth of NSCs.”


The term 5 mM means 5 milli-molar which is a reference to the concentration of sulforaphane in blood. 5 milli-molar is 5 thousands of a Mole. A Mole is a set number of molecules in one liter of a solution, regardless of molecular weight.

Although this depends a lot on body weight, we think it wouldn’t require much consumption of broccoli sprouts to achieve 5 mM concentrations in the blood of a person.

When neural stem cells were exposed to sulforaphane, they transformed into neurons

From the Green Med Info article:

…exposing NSCs to sulforaphane resulted in their differentiation [into] neurons, lending powerful support to the hypothesis that sulforaphane could stimulate brain repair.

This means that sulforaphane is a kind of molecular “activator” that causes neural stem cells to become neurons. This is how damaged brain cells are regrown.

And for anyone who thinks you can’t grow brain cells, you already did it once. Your entire brain was grown from nothing, in your mother’s womb. A similar process grew your heart, lungs, bones, nerve cells and so on. Every human body knows how to regrow nerve cells. Otherwise, humans wouldn’t exist.

How to grow your own sulforaphane for mere pennies

Because God and Mother Nature gave us all the medicine we need, you can “manufacture” your own sulforaphane for mere pennies and literally transform air into sulforaphane through the use of broccoli sprouts.

  1. Buy broccoli sprouts, a mason jar and a sprouting lid (see image below).
  2. Put about a tablespoon of broccoli spouting seeds into a mason jar, rinse with water, affix the sprouting lid and turn it upside to drain the water.
  3. Keep the sprouting jar upside down. Once a day, rinse with water and drain.
  4. In a few days, you have broccoli sprouts with loads of sulforaphane.

You can then eat the sprouts, use them in salads, blend them into smoothies, drop them into soups or whatever you want to do. Sulforaphane is a very robust molecule and it’s somewhat difficult to destroy, so don’t think you have to treat it like a delicate, fragile substance. Blending sprouts does not destroy their molecules. That’s because these molecules are very, very small.

In my podcast, below, I reveal a tip for how to multiply the sulforaphane production by up to 10 X by spraying your sprouts with a low-cost source of sulfur. While broccoli sprouts create sulforaphane from the air by grabbing carbon, oxygen and nitrogen from atmosphere, they need a source of sulfur, which is absorbed through roots.

See for more coverage of ways to grow your own medicine.

Other benefits of sulforaphane

Sulforaphane also exhibits powerful anti-cancer properties. GreenMedInfo lists the best properties of this molecule as reflected in published medical literature. It shows that sulforaphane is documented to help with:

  • oxidative stress
  • inflammation
  • prostate cancer
  • breast cancer
  • colon cancer
  • autism
  • pancreatic cancer
  • diabetes type-2
  • DNA damage
  • bladder cancer
  • insulin resistance

… and many other conditions.

Sulforaphane is one of my top five molecules from nature. Resveratrol is another one, and vitamin D is No. 1.

Remember: Everybody can make unlimited quantities of sulforaphane for nearly free. No person needs to wait for a doctor’s permission to grow and eat broccoli sprouts. You don’t need health insurance coverage or a visit to the (toxic) pharmacy.

Even better, corrupt, pharma-infested governments of the world can’t take away your broccoli sprouts unless they go full tyranny and start banning seeds. Even then, seeds are pretty easy to hide from government thugs.

Learn more in today’s eye-opening podcast about healing vaccine-induced brain damage and nerve damage:

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Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 30 januari 2022 21:41


Kanadas lastbilsförarprotest sprider sig till USA och Sverige


DEMOKRATIRÖRELSEN. Ben Swann rapporterar om 10.000-tals lastbilschaufförer som protesterar genom att köra i konvojer mot storstäderna i Kanada för att stoppa mandaten.

Ben Swann konstaterar att lastbilsförarna tar ett mycket större grepp än att bara skydda sin egen näringsverksamhet som begränsas av Kanadas mandat. Förarna kämpar i själva verket för fri- och rättigheter för alla medborgare i landet.

Under lördagen den 29 januari nådde en konvoj Ottawa där de anslöt sig till 1000-tals demonstranter för att höja sin röster mot Justin Trudeau-regeringen. Enligt vissa källor hade så många som 1,4 miljoner ställt in sig på att komma till Ottawa.

Ottawa, 29 januari 2022. Foto: Rebel NewsOttawa, 29 januari 2022. Foto: Rebel News, Telegram

Den kanandensiska regeringen samverkar med de social mediejättarna, precis som den svenska regeringen, och stängde Facebookgruppen Convoy to Ottawa 2022 med 600.000 följare. Arrangörerna svarade snabbt med att starta Convoy to Ottawa 2022 Restart som nu har 453.000 medlemmar. Ben Swann på Sovren Media säger att regeringen till och med stängde av motorvägskameror för att dölja konvojerna.

NewsVoice skrev tidigare om att Freedom Convoy 2022 har en GoFundMe-kampanj som dragit in nära 50 miljoner svenska kronor. Pengarna som samlas in är till för att hjälpa lastbilschaufförer att betala för bränsle, logi och mat.

GoFundMe har dock bekräftat att de fryst pengarna till dess att arrangören kan redovisa en tydlig plan för hur medlen kommer att användas, trots att de redovisat vart pengarna ska gå.


USA och Sverige följer Kanada

Amerikanska lastbilschaufförer ansluter sig nu för att protestera på samma sätt. Brian Von D, som är administratör för “Convoy to DC 2022” meddelar att ska förena sina krafter för att åka från Kalifornien till Washington.

I Sverige har Johannes Haddad startat Facebook-gruppen Convoy 2022 Sweden/Sverige som har samma mål som de kanadensiska frihetskonvojerna.

Text: NewsVoice


Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 30 januari 2022 21:39


Ancient Remedy: Black Seed Oil Benefits for Respiratory & Heart Issues, Overall Health Support

cover image credit: Radfotosonn / pixabay

cover image credit: selarom15 / pixabay

cover image credit: Radfotosonn / pixabay

Black Seed Oil: Ancient Remedy with Modern Benefits

by Natural Pulse

With a documented history of use dating back to the time of the Egyptian pharaohs, Nigella sativa (commonly referred to as black seed or black cumin seed) has tremendous historical significance and therapeutic potential. Mentioned in the Old Testament and in the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, black cumin seed oil has been used so broadly across the Middle East and Asia that it is considered almost as a panacea for all conditions. Researchers in the last few decades have begun to investigate the potential health benefits of this “miracle herb” and have found that many of the traditional uses of the herb are being corroborated.

The herb contains several active constituents that have been identified, some of the more well-known being thymoquinone and nigellone. Studies looking at the mechanism of action of the active compounds have shown that they possess powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities and play a role in directly modulating immune function. Furthermore, several studies have shown that black seed oil benefits allergies; researchers found that thymoquinone has anti-allergic properties through potent antihistamine effects, preventing its release from immune cell membranes. Additional research shows that black cumin seed oil for lung health has a profound bronchodilation effect (relaxation of the smooth muscle tissue lining the airways of the lungs), ensuring clear, relaxed airways for easy breathing and help with relieving coughing.

Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Activity

Recent investigations show several beneficial effects of black seed oil for inflammation. One of the major active compounds in black seed is thymoquinone. Several research studies show that thymoquinone can suppress the production of inflammatory mediators as well as oxidative stress. In immune cell studies, thymoquinone was found to inhibit 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) and its byproducts, thereby signifying a strong anti-inflammatory effect. While 5-LOX is a key enzyme promoter of inflammation and inhibition of 5-LOX is an essential target of several anti-inflammatory therapies, the downstream effects of reducing 5-LOX activity by black seed oil also caused a reduction in the production of eicosanoids, additional chemical messengers of the inflammation response.

Additional studies in white blood cells of the immune system found that the administration of black seed extracts reduced the production of cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes and byproducts, supporting the ability of black seed oil to provide comprehensive inflammation support across multiple key pathways.

The anti-inflammatory effects of black seed are also supported by the results of human clinical studies. In one study, participants suffering from joint health issues who supplemented with a black seed preparation for one month showed lowered levels of pro-inflammatory white blood cells, improved joint function, and a reduction of joint swelling and stiffness versus placebo. These effects indicate a potent reduction of inflammation with black seed supplementation.

Moreover, research studies suggest that black seed extracts can have a direct impact on normalizing inflammation in the lungs. In an animal study on allergic asthma, black seed administration reduced lung inflammation and peripheral blood eosinophil count.

Immune enhancement

Black seed oil exerts powerful effects for supporting the immune system. Nigella sativa extracts are known to support both arms of the immune system by promoting strong innate and adaptive immunity. In a clinical study, the administration of black seed powder for 4 weeks led to significant improvements in immune function. The ratio of CD4+/CD8+ T cells significantly improved and an increase in natural killer cell function was also noted.

In animals whose immunity was experimentally suppressed, feeding them black seed in an oil form was found to restore immune function back to normal levels. A further study in animals whose immune systems were chemically compromised showed that black seed oil administration decreased antibody responses (Immunoglobulin A, Immunoglobulin M) and the levels of complement C3, supporting an immune regulatory role of the extract.

Anti-Allergy and Bronchodilation

Black cumin seed and its constituents act as potent inhibitors of histamine and as smooth muscle relaxants, which makes it well-suited for acute and chronic lung and sinus conditions. As histamine is a key trigger for allergy symptoms, research on the black seed constituent nigellone has found that it has excellent antihistamine effects in small concentrations. Nigellone interacts with immune cells to prevent release of histamine by working as a calcium channel blocker. As histamine release involves calcium channels, preventing calcium uptake into cells reduces histamine release, resulting in inhibition of allergic reactions.

Black seed also acts as a muscle relaxant, which makes it an effective bronchodilator, allowing airways to relax and stay open in lung conditions including asthma and others. Thymoquinone has shown bronchodilator effects in at least 6 separate studies, while a randomized controlled trial in individuals with asthma showed that even a single dose of black seed extract led to a short-term bronchodilation effect.

These core properties are likely responsible for the beneficial effects of black cumin seen in recent clinical studies. These trials reveal that the herb has significant potential in treating lung and sinus conditions. Some of the more well-studied benefits of black cumin for allergic rhinitis and asthma are highlighted below:

  • Allergic rhinitis: A condition characterized by inflammation of the nasal sinuses secondary to seasonal or year-round allergen exposure, several human studies have found that black cumin seeds are useful for its treatment and prevention. Symptomatic improvement with black cumin seed included reductions in red, watery eyes, nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing and itching. This is likely because of black cumin’s antihistamine and anti-inflammatory actions.
  • Asthma: Supplementing asthma sufferers with black cumin seeds has been evaluated in multiple trials. Individuals taking black cumin seed extracts showed improvement in the clinical symptoms associated with asthma as well as in lung function tests. In addition, bronchodilator effects (keeping airways open) were also seen in some studies, leading to improved ability to breathe effortlessly. Other investigators noted reduced inflammation in the lungs as well as improvements in forced expiratory volume (FEV1), a measure of the ability to breathe out with ease.

Since effective therapeutic options for these allergic conditions are often limited or are rife with potential side effects, supplementing with black cumin seed could provide an additional tool for those looking to support lung and sinus health during the spring and fall when symptoms are exacerbated or year-round for prevention. Used alone or with other conventional and natural approaches, black cumin seed could be a useful option to reduce the allergic aspects associated with these health conditions and improve breathing and lung function.

Read more at Natural Pulse

See related articles:

Black Cumin: Healing People for Thousands of Years by Olivia Cook, Food is Medicine

What Is This Tiny Black Seed and What Is It Good For? by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Will Black Seed Oil Make Risky Asthma Medication Obsolete? by Jude Henry, Natural News

9 Proven Black Seed Oil Benefits that Boost Your Health by Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DNM, CN

Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 30 januari 2022 18:14

5 230 prenumeranter
Svenska myndigheter stoppar en jättestudie som skulle jämföra effektivitet och säkerhet av de godkända vaccinen mot covid-19. Invändningarna var bland annat att studien kan minska viljan att vaccinera sig. 0:00 sammanfattande intro 3:31 Studiens innehåll 5:35 Etikprövningsmyndighetens avslag pga av minskad vaccinationsvilja 8:15 överklagande av beslutet till Överklagandenämnden 9:05 Läkemedelsverket beslut, stoppar studien 10:20 Läkemedelsverkets invändningar om minskad vaccinationsvilja etc. 16:08 Beslutsfattande Enhetschef stoppar studien, FD Section Director på AstraZeneca, JÄV? 17:55 hör vad forskaren säger, samtal med ansvarig Uppsala Clinical Research Center 21:07 Hör Enhetschef Gunilla Andrew-Nielsen Läkemedelsverket 29:00 Tidigare granskning JÄV Läkemedelsverket SVD 30:40 kort sammanfattning Beslutsfattandet enhetschef på Läkemedelsverket som slutligen stoppade studien kommer tidigare från Astra Zeneca. Ett av de bolag vars vaccin skulle jämföras. Också det bolag som förmodligen skulle ha mest att förlora på en sådan studie, då Astra Zenecas vaccin hittills verkar vara det som har haft mest problem med effektivitet och säkerhet. Etikprövningsmyndigheten stoppade studien med hänvisning till att en studie skulle kunna minska viljan att vaccinera sig och att det vore oetiskt, kunskap om ett vaccin som befolkningen ska ta skulle alltså vara oetiskt. Man skulle kunna tycka tvärtom, att det vore oetiskt att inte ta fram kunskap om ett vaccin som ska gå ut till en hel befolkning. Läkemedelsverkets stoppade studien för att de menade att man inte kunde lämna ett medgivande när man inte får välja vaccin, vilket ingen får i dag ändå. Läkemedelsverket hade också en rad invändningar som också de handlade om att studien riskerade att minska tilltron till myndigheter och minska viljan att vaccinera sig mot covid-19 och vaccin i allmänhet. Inte nog med att beslutsfattande enhetschef på läkemedelsverkets kommer direkt från många år på Astra Zeneca, risken för JÄV är uppenbar, det är också uppenbart att myndigheterna är utanför ramen för sitt uppdrag är att se till viljan att vaccinera sig när de ska bedöma en klinisk studie. Jag har pratat med forskarna, vad de har att säga. Jag har även pratat med enligt chefen på läkemedelsverket. Hör vad de har att säga. Referenser: Ansökan studie Avslag etikprövningsmyndigheten Läkemedelsverkets invändningar och begärda kompletteringar Avslag Läkemedelsverket JÄV Läkemedelsverket Årsredovisning Läkemedelsverket
Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 30 januari 2022 17:30


Freedom Convoy 2022 – What to Expect Saturday to Monday

by Bright Light News
January 29, 2022

Event organizers for Freedom Convoy 2022 join us to share details of the planned events for the truckers’ arrival in Ottawa and speeches in Parliament Hill from Saturday to Monday.

With the world watching Canadian truckers lead the charge in removing all Covid and vaccine mandates, volunteers Chris, Bethan Nodwell, RN, and Daniel Bulford, ex-RCMP, each discuss their pivotal roles in organizing the next phase at the end of the road for the convoy and how people can support truckers through volunteering and donations for food, accommodations, housing…

Canadians’ emotions and hopes for a restoration of freedoms have never been higher in the last 2 years and the upcoming events will be sure to continue capturing the hearts and attention of freedom-loving citizens around the world.


Saturday, January 29 (Parliament Hill 10 am to 4 pm ET) – truckers arrive in Ottawa in the morning with speeches to follow starting around noon

Sunday, January 30 (Parliament Hill noon to 4 pm ET) – speeches from medical and scientific experts and influencers

Monday, January 31 (Parliament Hill noon to 4 pm ET) – speeches from politician


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