
Alla inlägg den 21 september 2022

Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 21 september 2022 12:23

Svenska Dagbladet skriver i en artikel att ”vaccinet” förhindrat 20 miljoner dödsfall, kanske fler mellan 8 dec 2020 och 8 december 2021. Informationen kommer från TT, som anser sig vara ett adelsmärke för trovärdighet.

I den här researchen tar jag er med på en granskning av denna artikel som leder till en resa genom ett antal länder i världen.

Den här researchen var den mest chockerande jag gjort. Det blev mycket tankar och känslor. Inte minst när vi kommer till Sverige.

Myndigheter, FB och Youtube har intensifierat sina försök att stoppa mina filmer, främst efter filmen om Valet-2022. Att gå igenom riksdagsbeslut är inget man ska ägna sig åt utan att straffas.

Om ni tycker filmen är bra, dela gärna snabbt, vet inte när den här blir odelbar.

Tack för att ni finns med i detta informationskrig, tack för att vi gör det här tillsammans.

I Omtanke, Elena

Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 21 september 2022 08:02

27. Upp med sköldarna och håll linjen digitala soldater för nu kommer stormen. Vi står stadiga och kämpar emot den stora pushen för globalisternas agenda the great reset och Agenda 2030 genom att exponera deras agenda och dela sanningen. Deras största fruktan är en medvetet medveten och upplyst befolkning därför ger vi inte upp nu när vi är på mållinjen i jordens genom tiderna största stingoperationsbaserade folkbildningsprojekt. Drain the swamp!


Steve Bannons eldiga föreläsning ”Defeat the great reset:”

Sång från Warroom med Miles Young:

Följ även Cornelia unfiltered på Rumble:

Följ Cornelia unfiltered på Youtube (ny kanal):

Följ Cornelia unfiltered på Telegram:

Länk till dropbox med gemensamma dokument:

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Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 21 september 2022 07:58

January 11, 2022 Kate Cerino

The CDC definition of Fully Vaccinated is those who are 2 weeks beyond their final dose. For clarity, lets dig into some examples:

So Jack gets his first Moderna vaccine and dies a week later from an unfortunate adverse reaction. He is classified by health officials as an unvaccinated death. He had one dose.

Jill gets her second Pfizer vaccine and 13 days later tests positive - she is classified as an unvaccinated Covid case because she is less than 2 full weeks post her last dose.

This is flagrant data manipulation folks, and some might call it fraud.

Does it strike you as odd that citizens are being offered free donuts, lottery money, burgers, marijuana and beer for vaccine compliance across the country in the name of "public health"?

Does it seem outrageous that PCR tests we've relied upon for 2 years have now been pulled by the FDA and CDC for failure to differentiate between Covid and the Flu? The flu just didn't magically disappear last year.

Does it seem suspect that the quarantine metrics keep changing and in a increasingly bizarre manner? The current toolkit rewards compliance. The fully vaxxed and boostered have no quarantine imposed despite their well documented ability to both contract and spread virus.

And is it not curious to you that the FDA and CDC wish to wait 75 years to publish data related to their vaccine studies?

Folks there's something really truly ugly going on here, and if you still don't understand the bigger plan, please research Agenda 21, The Great Reset, Rockefellers Operation Lockstep - this has never been about a virus.

Dare County - wake up!

Yet this board continues to actively participate in the fraud and violate established law.

Martin Luther King Jr. once said "To Ignore Evil is to become Accomplice to it"
And folks, you are indeed Accomplices at this time.

It is illegal to coerce a citizen to participate in an experiment, and I will remind you that masks and current vaccines are all EUA experimental devices. This is how the Nuremberg Code was folded into federal law.

Furthermore, it is illegal to coerce a population. This is a felony that carries a 99 year prison term. Forced masking to obtain a public education is coercion. The longer this lawlessness continues, the more evidence that is compiled, the stronger our class action lawsuit becomes. This board is lawless. It is beyond time to find courage to stand, courage to lead, courage to follow established law, because ultimately you will be held to account.

Clip Source:

Full Board Meeting:
Dare County Board of Education Meeting: January 11, 2022
(Kate Cerino statement at video mark: 1:00:14)

Dare to Share OBX
Stand Up! Speak Up!

We are Dare County Citizens for Constitutional Rights, a group of concerned Dare County residents organized for the purpose of defending the Constitutional Rights of our citizens. Please join us! Stand up! Speak up!

C19 Updates


Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 21 september 2022 07:42

The Truth About C o v i d Is Breaking Through The Mainstream


The Truth About C o v i d Is Breaking Through The Mainstream

Be sure to order your autographed copy of Alex Jones’ new book ‘The Great Reset: And the War for the World,’ while they’re still available!

Alex’s War’, the explosive documentary that goes behind the scenes at Infowars and has unprecedented personal interviews with Alex Jones, is NOW available at the Infowars Store!

Get 25% OFF on Bodease NOW! The perfect answer to whole body support can be yours!

Take advantage of our biggest discounts of the year RIGHT NOW at the Infowars Store!

Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 21 september 2022 07:29

BREAKING: Bill Gates Exposed in Italian Parliament for crimes against humanity. Called a global criminal.

Finally The World is starting to wake up.


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