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Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 6 april 2022 23:43


Dolores Cahill: How to Prepare for What Is to Come — Step Back, Don’t Conform, Walk Away, Create Strong Communities

original video available at Rumble

Dolores Cahill: How You Can Prepare Yourself for What is to Come
by Aga Wilson, Aga Wilson Show
text and video editing by Torbjorn Sassersson
April 6, 2022

Dr. Dolores Cahill is an Inventor and has been granted and licensed patents in Europe, USA, and worldwide with applications in improving the early accurate diagnosis of disease (autoimmune diseases & cancer). Since 2020 she has been working to defend our inalienable rights and freedoms. She is investigating the aspects of the current covid drama which led to the founding of the World Doctor Alliance and the World Freedom Alliance.

The interviews discuss Dr. Cahill’s career and how it has been affected by the established power structure and the methods used to quell dissidents and sane critical thinking.

Lockstep Crises and the Controlled Society

Dolores Cahill says that most crises such as food shortages, shockingly high prices, climate change, inflation, never-ending virus pandemics (including adverse reactions to poisonous injections), and wars between nations are different ways for the power to control society by using fear and misleading narratives.

The power creates a parallel societal and economic structure with its own rules, laws, and functions. This structure – by using the crises – seeks to undermine people’s natural rights and freedoms such as freedom of speech, freedom to travel, work and meet, and maintain bodily integrity. This negative process has no end. Cahill says that the current agenda starting in 2020 will end in 2025.

Their aim is to create new generations that have no experience, knowledge, or memory of natural free life. They can’t halt their agenda or else they will be held accountable. So what we must expect are new planned “pandemics”  as soon as this autumn. These coming attempts aim to further isolate individuals and families and shorten their life expectancy. Everything will be taxed and they will use taxation in order to make and keep you poor and dependent.

Dolores Cahill experienced how her projects were hit by powers that tried to strangle their enterprises by taking down their websites and social media accounts as well as Paypal. She also revealed – in another meeting – how an insurance company stopped an airplane provider from leasing out their planes to Freedom Travel Alliance.

Step back – Don’t conform – Walk away – Create strong communities

The most important thing for people to do is to step back and unplug from the propaganda machinery for a while and start regarding the world scene as something theatrical played out through mass media and social media. Cahill mentions how an individual can create income from a simple online information channel.

What the powers structures seem to fear the most is people all over the world taking control och their own lives and creating self-sustainable and strong communities.

Cahill says people generally are poisoned by chemicals and toxic metals from food, beverages, and injections and need to detox in order to recapture their natural health.

Knowledge about the elite powers and their agenda is an extremely important parameter in order for people to take back their power. Attention and awareness about the theatrical play are crucial elements for success. People need to understand they are dealing with grossly criminal individuals in power.

Cahill says, that stepping back and away from the control grid decreases the fear of the attempts to control our lives and behaviors. People will demand accountability, and start new media outlets and information sources, new laws, a new money system, and new regulations. They will say no to disinformation and propaganda. They will find new ways to get an income. This means less or no dependence on the controllers and the controlled society.

Every individual need to understand that the control society once in place will give no room for natural freedom for their kids in the generations to come. So everyone needs to start dedicating one hour a day to make sure we all have a bright future. Think and act locally.

It’s not even necessary to fully investigate the current criminal and corrupt system. It’s better to build a new more healthy system, she says. Bartering is a good example. It’s legal. Cahill says that the money you have on your account is really your invested time, productivity, and genius.

This also means that we should think more carefully about where we spend our money. We should only give our money to other entities that respect our freedom, health, and integrity. These entities represent everything from banks to coffee shops. Don’t go to companies that demand face masks or injections etcetera.

Many individuals together and small communities can do this if they organize and help each other. There is space for innovations and creativity. In just a generation things can turn better, she says.

Dolores Cahill ( is active in or supporting many projects aiming to build a better society:

Torbjorn Sassersson (Sweden) is the founder and editor in chief. He works together with Sanja R. Juric in the editorial office and Aga Wilson with Aga Wilson Show.

Connect with News Voice and Aga Wilson Show

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light OdyseeBitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

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Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 6 april 2022 23:32

Senaste nytt från Island: Kollapsande Corona-berättelse?



Senaste nytt från Island: Kollapsande Corona-berättelse?

Islands regering uppmuntrar sina medborgare att glömma vaccinerna och i stället bekämpa viruset med sitt eget immunförsvar som bygger på naturlig infektion och återhämtning. Island håller på att återgå till hur det var före Covid. Och detta trots att landet befinner sig mitt i en massiv ökning av Covid. Vad är nu detta? Titta in och få reda på mer... [weiterlesen]

159.682 Ansichten
Lizenz:  Creative Commons-Lizenz mit Namensnennung 
Senaste nytt från Island: Kollapsande Corona-berättelse?

04.04.2022 |

Island, som är den näst största önationen med en befolkning på bara 357 000 invånare, är i många avseenden ett viktigt land i världen. Gång på gång hör man häpnadsväckande saker därifrån. Island var tillsammans med Israel, det modelland som hade en av de högsta vaccinationsfrekvenserna mot Covid-19. Den senaste överraskningen är den isländska regeringens beslut, som redan är i kraft, att upphäva alla corona-åtgärder! Här ett inlägg från Vasko Kohlmayer från 26/2 2022: Från och med den här veckan har Island blivit det första landet i världen att helt avskaffa alla Covid-åtgärder. Det kommer inte att finnas några avspärrningar eller sociala restriktioner. Det kommer inte att finnas några obligatoriska Covid-tester och om du råkar drabbas av Covid behöver du inte isolera sig. Det kommer inte att finnas några covidbevis och inga vaccinationsföreskrifter. Vem som helst, oavsett vaccinationsstatus, kan resa till landet utan att vara testad. De ovaccinerade kommer inte att utsättas för någon form av diskriminering eller utestängning från samhället. Island håller på att återgå till hur det var före Covid. Detta är i sig självt fantastiskt nog med tanke på att Island befinner sig mitt i en massiv ökning av Covid och registrerar rekordstora fall i skrivande stund. Om du inte visste det så är vaccinationsgraden på Island cirka 80 % av den totala befolkningen, vilket innebär att cirka 90 % av den vuxna befolkningen är fullt vaccinerad. Det är uppenbart att vaccinerna inte har gjort någonting för att stoppa eller ens bromsa spridningen av SARS-CoV-2-viruset. Tvärtom tycks de ha lett till att den har ökat. Den isländska regeringen har inte bara beslutat att avskaffa alla restriktioner och krav på vaccinering, utan hälsoministeriet har också utfärdat nya anmärkningsvärda riktlinjer för hur man ska hantera viruset. Landets hälsovårdsmyndigheter rekommenderar islänningarna att "så många människor som möjligt måste smittas med viruset, eftersom vaccinerna är otillräckliga". Hörde du det? Islands regering säger nu till sitt folk att det är bra att vara smittad med Covid. Den isländska regeringen har med andra ord beslutat att behandla Covid genom flockimmunitet, baserat på naturlig smitta. Detta är ett fullständigt förnekande av den officiella corona- berättelsen som nästan alla regeringar har accepterat som en konventionell visdom under de senaste två åren. Berättelsen gick ungefär så här: Människorna bör undvika att bli smittade till varje pris och i stället vänta tills de kan injiceras med de hastigt framtagna experimentella vaccinerna från Pfizer, Moderna och liknande. Nu uppmuntrar dock regeringarna i allt högre grad sina medborgare att glömma vaccinerna och i stället bekämpa viruset med sitt eget immunförsvar. Vad har nu hänt? De säger detta efter två år av hänsynslösa nedstängningar, restriktioner och nedläggningar som har orsakat oräkneliga ekonomiska, sociala och psykologiska skador. De har ändrat sig efter ett globalt vaccinationskorståg som har injicerat mer än 60 procent av jordens befolkning med otillräckligt testade vacciner som har visat sig vara ineffektiva och som i onödan har dödat miljontals människor världen över. Detta är utan tvekan ett av det största fiaskot i mänsklighetens historia. Det fanns forskare som i början förespråkade flockimmunitet genom naturlig smitta. Men dessa röster blev förlöjligade, censurerade, misskrediterade, avskedade och avskaffade. Istället tog regeringar runt om i världen till sig den falska berättelsen en efter en och införde en kaskad av katastrofala åtgärder som orsakade oöverträffade skador för mänskligheten. Under de kommande veckorna kommer de att försöka ursäkta sig genom att hävda att viruset har förändrats och att det är mindre farligt nu än när det startade. Och detta är sant i viss mån. Men faktum är att viruset aldrig utgjorde något större hot för de flesta människor. Överlevnadsgraden för inte inbegripna personer var cirka 99,7 procent. Det utgjorde praktiskt taget inget hot mot friska barn. Den utgör endast en relativt liten risk för aktiva friska människor i produktiv ålder. Hotet var inte tillräckligt för att rättfärdiga omfattande stängningar av skolor och företag och andra betungande åtgärder. Hotet rättfärdigade inte heller massvaccinationerna av barn och friska vuxna människor med de farliga och bristfälliga vaccinerna. Denna politik var ett gigantiskt misstag som kostade oräkneliga biljoner dollar och oräkneliga liv. Nu när den falska berättelsen faller samman bör de ansvariga för detta fiasko uppmanas att förklara sig. Dessa människor är dock mycket listiga och de är redan i färd med att på ett skickligt sätt avleda allmänhetens uppmärksamhet till andra platser med en ny berättelse. I dag talar alla om Vladimir Putin som det största hotet mot mänskligheten. De hoppas att de kan väcka människors passioner så att de inte märker att Covid på något sätt har försvunnit, trots att vi alla skulle ha riskerat att dö av det för inte så länge sedan. Nu är Vladimir Putin den största ondska vi någonsin har mött. Och som en extra bonus kommer de att kunna ge honom skulden för den inflation, depression och andra katastrofer som orsakats av två års destruktiv Covid-politik. Covid 19-krisen var en katastrof som regeringarna tvingade fram från början. Viruset, skapat av den kinesiska staten i samarbete med doktor Fauci och hans vänner, släpptes ut med eller utan avsikt från biolabbet i Wuhan. Ukrainakrisen är också en katastrof som skapats av regeringen. Den värdelösa Joe Biden, Antony Blinken och deras globalistiska kumpaner provocerade Putin genom att föra fram idén om Nato framför Rysslands dörr. Detta var lika oacceptabelt för ryssarna som Mexikos anslutning till Warszawapakten skulle vara oacceptabelt för Förenta staterna. Putin bad om garantier för att det inte skulle finnas fler Natoländer vid den ryska gränsen. Detta var inte en orimlig begäran, men de sa åt honom att stanna hemma. Vi bör inte bli förvånade över Putins ilska. Om han överreagerar, utlöstes den efterföljande katastrofen av de provokatörer som i onödan petade den ryska björnen i ögat. Både Covid och Ryssland är falska berättelser. På sätt och vis är de rent av teaterpjäser. De passioner och känslor som framkallas av den senare används för att dölja den förstnämndas kollaps. Facit: Regeringen uppmuntrar sina medborgare att glömma vaccinerna och i stället bekämpa viruset med sitt eget immunförsvar som bygger på naturlig infektion och återhämtning. Är denna vändning nu en följd av att regeringen inser att vaccinationen inte har gett befolkningen det förväntade skyddet? Eller har den så att säga fått kalla fötter på grund av det nu dramatiskt höga antalet fall av corona- insjukna, trots vaccination? Eller är detta en möjlighet att skylla de dramatiskt höga antalet fall av corona- insjukna och vaccineringens biverkningar på att corona- åtgärderna avbröts? Vi rekommenderar våra tittare att vara uppmärksamma på detta.

Från avr

Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 6 april 2022 17:00

Här kommer den efterlängtade föreläsningen om etableringen av det kalla kriget. Vilka intressen har egentligen verkat ledande för den geopolitiska och ekonomiska utvecklingen sedan dess? Det blir som vanligt en spännande resa, med nya perspektiv och analyser av de historiska händelser och individer som format vår omvärld. Häng med när Carl och Conny tar oss med genom historien, med start i slutskedet på andra världskriget. Detta är den inspelade finalen på Circus i Stockholm, som avslutade den föreläsningsturné som Carl och Conny gav sig ut på under mars 2022. Turnen var en stor succé med ett fantasiskt engagemang hos er som följt oss på resan. Vi vill ge er alla ett stort tack för en fantastisk resa genom Sverige! Ställ fram kaffet och spänn fast er, så kör vi! De Fria är en folkrörelse som jobbar för demokrati genom en upplyst och medveten befolkning! Stöd oss: SWISH: 070 - 621 19 92 (mottagare Sofia S) PATREON: HEMSIDA: FACEBOOK:

Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 6 april 2022 14:13

Report by Patrick Lancaster US Navy veteran and independent crowd-funded journalist. Over the 8 years of the Ukraine War I made more video reports in anti-Ukraine Government (Donetsk People's Republic) controlled territory than any other western journalist. All so covered the Armenian Azerbaijan war reaching over 8 million on his youtube channel with his reports there I show what the western media will not show you.


Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 6 april 2022 10:39

Första studien hittills: 5G orsakar mikrovågssyndromet

Den första studien någonsin av hälsoeffekter av strålning från 5G på människa visar att 5G orsakar typiska symptom på mikrovågssyndromet samt en massiv ökning av mikrovågsstrålning. Fallstudien bekräftar även ännu en gång att strålning långt under nivåer som tillåts av myndigheterna orsakar ohälsa.

Studien publicerades i tidskriften Medicinsk Access nr 1/ 2022 och är genomförd av cancerläkaren och forskaren Lennart Hardell från Forskningsstiftelsen Miljö & Cancer och Mona Nilsson från Strålskyddsstiftelsen. Studien gäller hälsokonsekvenser för en man och en kvinna som fick en basstation för 5G rakt ovanför lägenheten, endast 5 meter ovanför sovrummet.

Mätningar före och efter installationen av 5G på taket visade att 5G orsakade en massiv ökning av strålningen i lägenheten. Före 5G fanns redan basstationer för 3G eller 4G på samma plats rakt ovanför lägenheten men byte till 5G-teknik ledde till att strålningen ökade från 9 000 mikroW/m2 till som mest 1 690 000 mikroW/m2.

Symptomen som uppstod hos mannen och kvinnan efter starten av 5G är typiska för mikrovågssyndromet: trötthet, sömnsvårighet. känslomässig påverkan, näsblödningar, ökande tinnitus och hudbesvär hos mannen. Kvinnan fick fler symptom än mannen med svåra sömnstörningar och yrsel, följt av hudbesvär (brännande känsla, stickningar i huden på händer och armar), koncentrationsproblem, irritabilitet, tinnitus, balansproblem, nedsatt närminne, förvirring, trötthet, tendens till depression, hjärt- och lungsymptom (hjärtklappning, tyngdkänsla över bröstet) samt värmekänsla i kroppen. Samtliga symptom minskade eller försvann helt redan efter ett dygn efter flytt till annan bostad med betydligt lägre strålning.


Det som visas i denna första studie någonsin över hälsoeffekter av mikrovågsstrålning från 5G överensstämmer med de symtom som sedan över 50 år sedan beskrivits som en effekt av helkroppsexponering för mikrovågsstrålning och som kallades mikrovågssyndromet. Mikrovågssyndromet är även ett erkänt begrepp internationellt idag tillsammans med namnet ”electromagnetic hypersensitivity” (EHS), i Sverige även kallat ”elöverkänslighet” gällande de som reagerar redan vid mycket låga nivåer och utvecklat särskilt hög känslighet. Det har upprepat beskrivits  att mikrovågssyndromets typiska symptom klingade av när exponeringen upphörde eller minskade kraftigt, liksom i denna nya studie.

”Forskare som gjort vetenskapliga undersökningar av yrkesexponerade för mikrovågor beskrev symptom som trötthet, yrsel, huvudvärk, sömnsvårigheter, koncentrations- och minnesproblem. Dessa symptom sattes i samband med exponering för radiovågor eller mikrovågor. Det konstaterades att symptomen generellt avklingade när exponeringen upphörde.”

Känsligheten för mikrovågsstrålning är individuell. Redan mycket låga nivåer av strålningen kan orsaka medicinska symptom hos särskilt känsliga personer (elöverkänsliga/EHS).

5G ökar strålningen enormt

Förutom att visa att 5G orsakar mikrovågssyndromet ganska omgående visar fallstudien även att 5G leder till en massiv ökning av strålningen i vår miljö. Redan tidigare fanns en basstation för 3G eller 4G på samma plats ovanför parets sovrum, men utbyte av utrustningen och driftsättning av 5G ledde till en explosionsartad ökning av den uppmätta strålningen.

De uppmätta extremt höga värden i bostaden, max 1 690 000 mikroW/m2, är ändå   betydligt lägre än gällande referensvärden som rekommenderas av Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten, SSM: 10 000 000 mikroW/m2 som medelvärde över 6 minuter, vilket innebär att maxvärdet kan tillåtas vara betydligt högre än 10 000 000 mikroW/m2. SSM:s referensvärde skyddar inte mot de symptom som kännetecknar mikrovågssyndromet, inte heller mot cancer och andra kroniska sjukdomar. Det är därför som ohälsa kan uppstå trots att strålningen är långt under referensvärdet:

”SSM:s referensvärden skyddar inte mot skadliga effekter, exempelvis mikrovågssyndromet eller cancer, vid längre tids exponering från basstationer, som är fallet vid exponering i bostäder, kontor eller skolor. Det gäller endast skydd mot omedelbara effekter till följd av så intensiv strålning att vävnader värms upp inom 30 minuter. Det innebär att allmänheten är helt oskyddad mot andra effekter än akuta termiska trots att dessa visats i stor omfattning, exempelvis skadlig påverkan på nervsystemet, oxidativ stress och DNA-skador.

Redan 2018 konstaterade Strålskyddsstiftelsen att 5G skulle leda till en enorm ökning av mikrovågsstrålningen. Denna nya studie och mätningar under senare år bekräftar detta.

Ingen forskning visar att 5G är säkert för hälsa och miljö

Lennart Hardell och Mona Nilsson skriver i denna första fallstudie om effekter av 5G att det är anmärkningsvärt att det ”saknas vetenskapliga undersökningar som visar att det inte föreligger risk för skadlig hälsopåverkan vid kronisk exponering för strålning från basstationer vid nivåer motsvarande SSMs referensvärde, eller vid de nivåer som uppmätts i denna fallstudie. Det gäller såväl 5G, som 4G, 3G och GSM. Det saknas fortfarande studier av risker med strålning från både 4G och/eller 5G under dygnets 24 timmar. Denna fallstudie är den första i sitt slag som gjorts av effekter av exponering av människor för 5G. Att hävda att exponering för strålning inte medför risker eftersom exponeringen är lägre än SSMs referensvärde saknar således helt vetenskaplig grund.”

I en tidigare artikel 2021 konstaterade Mona Nilsson:

”Det finns ingen forskning som visar att det inte medför hälsofaror att kroniskt helkroppsexponeras för nivåer av mikrovågsstrålning som nu blivit vanliga från basstationer för 3G, 4G eller 5G. Det är den chockerande sanningen som döljs för allmänheten…. det finns ingen forskning som visar att det inte medför hälsofaror att helkroppsexponera människor för 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G under längre tid, inte ens under enbart ett år, utan att det medför skadlig hälsopåverkan. Varken vid referensvärdets nivåer och inte ens vid nivåer som är 1000 gånger lägre.”

Antalet drabbade är okänt

Antalet människor i Sverige som drabbats av mikrovågssyndromet/EHS/elöverkänslighet är idag okänd. Det har inte undersökts. Det kan emellertid förväntas att antalet drabbade ökar med den kroniska och ökande exponeringen för mikrovågor till följd av utbyggnad av 4G, 5G och ökad användning av trådlös teknik som sänder ut mikrovågor för kommunikation. Detta gäller särskilt som det rör sig om modulerade och pulsade mikrovågor som visats vara särskilt skadliga.

År 2016 rekommenderade en grupp forskare och läkare att maximal exponering dagtid borde vara 100, nattetid 10 och max 1 mikroW/m2 för särskilt känsliga personer.

Men varken den rekommendationen, IARC:s cancerklassning av strålningen år 2011 eller det faktum att hälsorisker upprepat observerats vid exponering som är betydligt lägre än gällande referensvärden som rekommenderas av Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten, har haft någon effekt på myndigheternas och regeringens slappa regelverk. Trots omfattande belägg för hälsorisker ökar mikrovågsstrålningen i miljön kraftigt och det uppenbart felaktiga referensvärdet tillämpas fortsatt trots att det bevisligen saknar skydd mot mikrovågssyndromet och många andra hälsorisker.

Läkarkåren måste utbildas

Lennart Hardell och Mona Nilsson avslutar med att konstatera att mikrovågssyndromet och EHS måste tas på allvar av hälsovården.

”Detta är ingen psykisk sjukdom. Ett flertal olika somatiska symptom ingår i mikrovågssyndromet och kroniska sjukdomar inklusive cancer är en risk vid kronisk exponering. Symptomen måste utredas för att utesluta andra orsaker, mikrovågsstrålningen kan vara en. Noggrann anamnes måste tas för att utreda olika källor till mikrovågsstrålning. Dessutom bör utredningen kompletteras med mätning av strålningen både i bostaden och på arbetsplatsen varvid hänsyn bör tas till att det föreligger stor skillnad i känslighet mellan olika individer.

Patienterna måste mötas med respekt, utredas, få medicinsk diagnos och behandling varvid eliminering eller minskning av den sjukdomsorsakande faktorn, det vill säga exponeringen, är viktigast. Det bör göras tidigt i sjukdomsförloppet för att minska risken för irreversibla skador och kronisk sjukdom. Eftersom det finns stor okunskap om mikrovågssyndromet, såväl inom sjukvården som bland allmänheten, och därmed ett förmodat stort mörkertal, måste läkarkåren utbildas och syndromet få en enhetlig ICD-kod för att kunna följa den framtida utvecklingen. De uppmätta värdena i lägenheten efter installationen av 5G på taket gör att bostaden ur medicinsk synvinkel med hänsyn till kända hälsoeffekter är obeboelig, trots att strålningen är betydligt under gällande referensvärden.”

Länk till hela den nya fallstudien om 5G: Mikrovågsstrålning från basstationer på hustak gav
medicinska symptom som överensstämmer med mikrovågssyndromet

Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 6 april 2022 10:13

World + 9 more

Ukraine War Exacerbates Famine in the Global South

News and Press Release
1 Apr 2022
Originally published
1 Apr 2022
View original

Once again, war shows us that its effects cause suffering far beyond the battlefield. Russia's war of aggression on Ukraine is exacerbating the food crisis in many countries in Africa and the Middle East. While humanitarian aid is key to tackle this crisis, attempts to improve food and nutrition security are also needed to prevent social conflict and new wars.

After years of decline, hunger is on the rise again globally. There are numerous reasons why the world is at a critical stage, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): In many places, violent conflicts make it impossible to grow and harvest, process and transport, and supply and market food.

Added to this are the increasingly dramatic consequences of climate change: higher temperatures, changing rainfall patterns and more frequent extreme weather events such as droughts and flash floods are making the food situation ever more precarious. The coronavirus crisis has also caused global hunger to rise yet again. And as if that wasn't bad enough, now the Russian attack on Ukraine, which violates international law, has been added to the mix.

Ukraine and Russia are considered the "granaries of Europe," indeed of the world: together, the two countries supply about 30 percent of the world's wheat needs. For years, Russia and Ukraine have ranked among the largest exporters of wheat, corn, rapeseed, sunflower seed and sunflower oil.

Since the war began, Russia has severely curtailed its wheat exports; Ukraine no longer exports anything at all to secure supplies at home. Agriculture has collapsed, especially in the north of the country. Farmers can no longer reach their fields, there is a shortage of fertilizer and fuel, and farm workers are fleeing to other parts of the country or are being drafted into the military. It remains to be seen whether the wheat already sown can be harvested in the summer. In addition, summer cereals and corn should have been sown in March. It remains to be seen how things will look next year.

What is clear, however, is that many developing countries are highly dependent on Russian and Ukrainian wheat. According to the FAO, export restrictions could increase the price of food and feed on the world market by up to 22 percent. Memories of the Arab Spring come to mind, when rising food prices, especially for bread, led to widespread protests in North African countries.

UN Secretary-General warns of "hurricane of hunger"

UN Secretary-General António Guterres warned urgently of the global consequences of the war as early as mid-March. The breadbasket is being bombed and a "hurricane of hunger" is threatening, he stated. Given Ukraine's great importance as a food exporter, the invasion was "also an attack on the world's most vulnerable people and countries."

According to the FAO, global food prices could still rise by as much as 22 percent, reaching their highest level ever. In countries of the Global North, food prices do not fall as heavily as in countries of the Global South, where the largest portion of people’s income is spent on daily meals.

The world's 45 least developed countries import at least one-third of their wheat from Ukraine or Russia, and 18 countries among them import more than 50 percent. These include Egypt, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. These are all countries that are already dependent on humanitarian aid and food supplies because millions of people are currently suffering from massive hunger.

The war is also affecting countries where Helvetas is active. Madagascar, for example, imports 75 percent of its wheat from Russia and Ukraine. The food situation is visibly deteriorating. The population is already suffering severely from prolonged droughts and climate-related extreme weather events: At the beginning of the year, four hurricanes swept across the island within four weeks.

In Tunisia, which buys almost 40 percent of its wheat from Ukraine, wheat prices are soaring. The Tunisian president blames the bad situation on the war in Ukraine and the food speculation that accompanies it. Because the country’s debt is rising ever more sharply, the Tunisian government requested financial assistance from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) before the war even broke out.

Lebanon, which obtains 75 percent of its wheat from Russia and especially Ukraine, is also desperately seeking other wheat exporters, but so far without success. The government turned to the international community with a call for help. There are now fears of rationing and sharp price increases, which will hit the already hard-pressed population hard.

Burkina Faso and Mali, which buy over 30 percent and 25 percent, respectively, of their wheat from Russia, are also feeling the effects of the war. Due to climate change and Covid-19, in 2022 the number of hungry people in countries in the Sahel region is already 10 times higher before the outbreak of war in Ukraine than it was in 2019, according to the U.N World Food Program (WFP). Due to falling imports and rising prices, the situation in these countries will get even worse.

Finally, in the Horn of Africa 13 million people are already suffering from hunger. Ethiopia imports around 40 percent of its wheat from Russia and Ukraine, Kenya 30 percent, and Somalia over 90 percent. By 2022, up to 20 million people in this region of the world will be at risk, warns the FAO. Responsibility for this lies with climate change and more frequent extreme weather such as droughts, locust swarms and the destruction of pastureland, economic slumps as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic — and and the Russian government.

Switzerland's levers

Switzerland has political levers and various possibilities to support affected people and countries. It can — as an alternative to increasing the army budget — expand its humanitarian engagement on the ground and in the region. Thanks to its extensive experience, Switzerland can strengthen development and peace policy efforts and intensify those aimed at protecting human rights.

In order to avert the foreseeable famines, trade in foodstuffs must be regulated internationally. It is not acceptable that speculation with scarce foodstuffs exacerbates hunger crises. Because 80 percent of Russian raw materials are traded through Geneva, Lugano, Zurich and Zug, Switzerland has a responsibility here.

Finally, Switzerland can implement sanctions more rigorously: Unlike other countries, the Federal Council and politicians, banks and trustees are taking a hesitant approach. Of an estimated CHF 200 billion in Russian assets, less than six billion have been frozen so far. Politicians, including those in the bourgeois camp, are now demanding that more be done to track down funds belonging to sanctioned Putin associates.

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Electromagnetic Weapons, Graphene Oxide and Activated Illnesses: Exposing the Covid-5G Connection

by NewBraveWorld
April 2, 2022

Ever since the beginning of the Covid saga, people have speculated about a possible link between increased illness and the rollout of 5G networks around the world.

And while “Covid-19” has hardly been the apocalyptic death storm that the media made it out to be, there have been excess deaths recorded in certain areas. The question is: are the excess deaths solely attributable to “pandemic” measures (i.e. lockdowns, masks, toxic medications, etc) or did electromagnetic radiation have a more significant role to play?

And if so, was it due to 5G or the use of some other covert, as yet unknown, technology? That is what this investigation aims to uncover.

This article will also focus mostly on excess mortality. For, if there were no excess deaths, it would be difficult to argue that there was some kind of EMF (electromagnetic fields) weapon being deployed as that would surely increase deaths above the regular threshold. In certain areas, in certain countries, there undoubtedly were excess deaths, and, as this article will demonstrate, these can be explained without the need for a new, infectious pathogen (as I have argued elsewhere).

In fact, there are several independent lines of evidence to suggest that it was not “Sars-Cov-2”, or any alleged virus for that matter, that caused these excess deaths. While the reasons advanced by other researchers as to the real cause are all valid – and probably, to some extent, all true – in this article, I argue for the EMF cause.

I am simply making the case for EMFs, in one capacity or another, having contributed to excess mortality throughout the Covid period. I will also argue that EMFs were responsible for some of the more peculiar symptoms expressed by so-called “Covid” patients.

Also, when I refer to “EMFs” (electromagnetic fields/electromagnetic radiation), I am not referring solely to 5G (although that is important), I am also willing to consider other, covert EMF influences, possibly in the form of weaponry of some kind. And as we shall see, there is evidence to suggest that this type of weaponry exists and has been used.

Make no mistake, much of what I propose here is speculation. However, it is argued speculation, with evidence to back it up.

Evidence for “Other Factors” Contributing to Excess Mortality During the Covid Saga

Here we will examine four lines of evidence that clearly suggest there were other, possibly unknown, factors causing increased ill health during the Covid period. There is more that could be discussed here but for the sake of keeping this article to a readable length, I have chosen just four.

1. The Testimony of Dr Cameron Kyle-Sidell

Early on during the Covid pandemic, a New York doctor named Cameron Kyle-Sidell posted a video on YouTube where he revealed some shocking information about the nature of “Covid-19” and the standard of care that all hospitals in the US were working under.

The video was removed from YouTube (who would have guessed?) but you can still view it here on Bitchute.

Dr Kyle-Sidell is an E.R and critical care doctor working in New York City (Brooklyn to be exact). His testimony was posted online in early April 2020. As the original video was taken down by YouTube, I couldn’t pinpoint the exact date of publishing, but it was likely posted around the 6th.

Dr Kyle-Sidell begins his statement rather harrowingly:

“Nine days ago I opened an intensive care unit to care for the sickest COVID positive patients in the city, and in these nine days I’ve seen things I’ve never seen before.”

This should already give us cause for concern. An experienced critical care doctor seeing things “he’s never seen before”? If Covid-19 were a typical viral pneumonia (AKA a cold), then he surely would have seen it before, countless times in fact. So we can already be certain that there is something different going on here.

And that, in fact, is exactly what Dr. Sidell himself asserts:

“COVID-19 lung disease, as far as I can see, is not a pneumonia and should not be treated as one.”

He then goes on to comment on what he thinks may be the real cause of the condition (emphasis added):

“Rather, it appears as some kind of viral induced disease, most resembling high altitude sickness. It is as if tens of thousands of my fellow New Yorkers are on a plane at 30,000 feet in the cabin pressure is slowly being let out. These patients are slowly being starved of oxygen.”

So Dr Sidell still claims the bizarre condition to be “viral induced”, but let’s face it, his medical training combined with the Wuhan virus propaganda would compel him to do so. What he says next is more interesting for he compares his patients’ condition to high altitude sickness and claims they are being starved of oxygen. Keep this in mind as we move forward.

Dr Sidell goes on to stress the fact that the use of ventilators is the incorrect way to treat such a condition.

“I fear that we are using a false paradigm to treat a new disease…”

He then makes the bold suggestion that ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome), reported as being caused by “Covid-19”, is actually being caused by the use of ventilators.

“…the ARDS that we are seeing, that the whole world is seeing, may be nothing more than lung injury caused by the ventilator.”

Dr Sidell says a lot more in his testimony, I have just pulled out some key extracts so as to keep this section concise. However, feel free to watch the full video yourself.

Here are the key takeaways from Dr Sidell’s testimony:

  • Patients were being admitted to Dr Sidell’s Covid ward with symptoms that he had never seen before.
  • The symptoms these patients were experiencing (alleged to be “Covid-19”) were not characteristic of a typical viral pneumonia, but rather something more akin to high altitude sickness, causing oxygen deprivation.
  • Ventilators were the incorrect treatment for such a condition and were likely doing more harm than good. This last point is highly significant, for it means that hospitals may have intentionally been directed to use ventilators precisely to increase “Covid-19” death rates. In fact, later on, evidence did come out suggesting that ventilators were ineffective and harmful. In fact, according to the above-cited study, “88% of patients who received invasive mechanical ventilation died, including 97% of those aged >65”.

It is the first and second point that interests us most here. In other words, some patients in the New York City area (and possibly elsewhere) were exhibiting symptoms foreign to anything regularly observed by experienced doctors and this condition resembled high altitude sickness.

As it turns out, this strange condition can be rationalized by examining the effects of certain electromagnetic frequencies. We will explore this later in the article.

And there is something else to note. It is highly relevant that Dr Sidell observed this strange high altitude sickness-like condition in New York City, for, as we shall see, at one point during the pandemic, NYC had by far the highest Covid-19 death rate, indicating that something strange was happening there that may not have been happening elsewhere.

This anomaly in NYC was also reported by Dr Denis Rancourt, whose research we will now examine.

2. The Research of Dr Denis Rancourt

Dr Denis Rancourt is a Canadian physicist, with highly impressive academic credentials. He has written a number of papers concerning Covid-19 excess mortality in various countries around the world and his findings are rather illuminating.

His first paper concerning this phenomenon was published on June 2nd 2020 titled “All-cause mortality during COVID-19 – No plague and a likely signature of mass homicide by government response”.

In the abstract of the paper, he states that

“The latest data of all-cause mortality by week does not show a winter-burden mortality that is statistically larger than for past winters. There was no plague. However, a sharp “COVID peak” is present in the data, for several jurisdictions in Europe and the USA.”

It’s this sharp peak that is most interesting, for, as Rancourt notes, this is an anomaly, never having occurred before in the majority of jurisdictions; the data is simply not consistent with a viral cause (the same conclusion was reached by another team of researchers whose research we will analyse later).

Rancourt hypothesizes the anomalous “COVID peak” to be a signature of mass homicide by government response. In other words, according to Rancourt, the original sharp increase in deaths in various areas in the US and EU was a direct result of pandemic measures, including the use of ventilators.

However, important to note here is that the “COVID peak” in the USA arises from certain hot spots, and New York City is the main one. In fact, New York City’s “COVID Peak” is virtually off the charts (see the below graph taken from Rancourt’s paper).

“Figure 8: All-cause mortality by week for NYC, starting in 2013, in black. The red vertical line indicates the date at which the WHO declared the COVID-19 pandemic. The grey line is simply the same data on a vertically expanded and shifted scale, for visualization.”

So here we can clearly see an anomalous increase in all-cause mortality in NYC beginning just before Dr Sidell posts his video testifying to the fact that his patients are experiencing symptoms he’s never seen that are entirely uncharacteristic of any viral pneumonia. Coincidence? I think not.Rancourt’s next paper, co-written with Marine Baudin and Jérémie Mercier, titled “Evaluation of the virulence of SARS-CoV-2 in France, from all-cause mortality 1946-2020” was published on the 20th October 2020. In the paper, the researchers analyse all-cause mortality in France, with a focus once again on the strange “COVID Peak”.In the abstract the researcher state that

“We prove that the “COVID-peak” feature that is present in the all-cause mortality data of certain mid-latitude Northern hemisphere jurisdictions, including France, cannot be a natural epidemiological event occurring in the absence of a large non-pathogenic perturbation.”

The conclusion they reach is that the “COVID peak” was artificial, i.e., caused by deliberate intervention rather than the result of some naturally occurring, novel respiratory virus. The researchers note several reasons for this conclusion, one of which is that the COVID peak

“is absent in many jurisdictions (34 of the USA States have no “COVID-peak”).”

This is highly anomalous, for if there were a novel virus going around, we’d expect to see some level of consistency with regards to the rise in all-cause mortality in different states (and indeed, different countries). Instead what we see is huge increases in all-cause mortality in certain jurisdictions (e.g. NYC) and nothing in others.

Although arrived at differently, Rancourt’s conclusion and Dr Sidell’s are the same – if something new is killing people, it’s not a novel viral pneumonia.

Rancourt & Co’s latest paper dealing with excess mortality is titled “Nature of the COVID-era public health disaster in the USA, from all-cause mortality and socio-geo-economic and climatic data.”

In this paper, the researchers seek to investigate why the USA suffered a sustained, exceedingly large mortality during the Covid period, while Canada and Western European countries did not. Once again, their research indicates that a viral pandemic did not occur (emphasis added):

“The behaviour of the USA all-cause mortality by time (week, year), by age group, by sex, and by state is contrary to pandemic behaviour caused by a new respiratory disease virus for which there is no prior natural immunity in the population. Its seasonal structure (summer maxima), age-group distribution (young residents), and large state-wise heterogeneity are unprecedented and are opposite to viral respiratory disease behaviour, pandemic or not.”

Rancourt & Co conclude that government-imposed measures combined with societal risk factors (obesity, poverty, etc) were responsible for the excess mortality. While I absolutely agree with their findings, I think they may have missed another, important contributing factor: EMFs.

But that’s not all. Rancourt & Co found something else which is highly relevant to Dr. Sidell’s statement:

“We also find a large COVID-era USA pneumonia epidemic that is not mentioned in the media or significantly in the scientific literature, which was not adequately addressed. Many COVID-19-assigned deaths may be misdiagnosed bacterial pneumonia deaths.”

In other words, cases of “pneumonia” increased, but it wasn’t treated properly and it wasn’t being caused by a novel virus. This finding is similar to what Dr Sidell observed, only he referred to cases of “high altitude sickness” (rather than pneumonia). In each case, it is the lungs being affected and it is not hard to see how some kind of novel EMF-induced lung disorder could have been mislabelled as merely “pneumonia”.

3. The Research of Torsten Engelbrecht and Dr. Claus Kohnlein

The next line of evidence we will examine is that of the research of journalist Torsten Engelbrecht and physician, Claus Kohnlein.

On the 1st of October, the two researchers co-authored an article titled “COVID-19 (excess) mortalities: viral cause impossible—drugs with key role in about 200,000 extra deaths in Europe and the US alone”, in which they reach a similar conclusion to Dr Rancourt – excess mortality was not caused by a novel virus.

Engelbrecht and Kohnlein focused their analysis mostly on EU countries, noting that most of the countries reporting excess mortality instituted stringent lockdowns (a total contradiction of the virus hypothesis). In their analysis, they highlight the same, anomalous “COVID peak” uncovered by Rancourt & Co.

“Z-score for various European countries, Dec. 2019 – Sept. 2020”

But it’s not only this anomalous “COVID peak” (which occurred outside the regular flu season), they also note the fact that neighbouring countries often exhibited a completely different pattern of excess mortality. For example, Belgium had a rather noticeably peak while Germany (its neighbour), did not.

With regards to the viral theory, this kind of wildly inconsistent pattern of excess mortality simply does not make sense.

The conclusion reached by Engelbrecht and Kohnlein is that the “COVID peaks” were caused by the increased use of highly toxic medications.

“Highly toxic and also potentially lethal drugs were used excessively, especially in all of the above-mentioned countries with excess mortality, both experimentally and off-label, meaning that the drugs were used outside of their regulatory approval—and this in people, most of whom were old and had serious illnesses, before being tested “positive” for COVID-19.”

Their article is persuasive and I agree with their conclusions. However, once again, their conclusions do not rule out a contributing EMF-related cause.

4. Wildly Inconsistent Covid-19 Death Rates

Finally, the official COVID death data, as recorded by the WHO, provides yet another line of evidence to suggest that any recorded excess mortality was not due to a novel virus.

For example, take a look at the graph below created by Andrew Mather, a British mathematician in September 2020.

Covid-19 deaths by country per 100m population (Sept. 2020).

The graph shows the number of recorded COVID deaths in different countries, normalised to account for the difference in population sizes. Once again, the data is highly anomalous. New York City has by far the highest COVID death rate, higher than any other country in the world at that time! Belgium, Peru, the UK and Spain are also high on the list, while African countries, South East Asia and Japan barely feature.

So either, we’re dealing with a far deadlier virus in New York City, Western Europe and parts of South America, or there’s another factor at play.

Let’s summarise our findings thus far:

  • Shortly after the WHO declared a pandemic, an experienced New York City doctor came forward explaining that his so-called “COVID” patients were not suffering from a typical viral pneumonia, but were instead showing signs of something akin to high altitude sickness.
  • Dr Denis Rancourt and his co-researchers analysed all-cause mortality in various countries and jurisdictions, reaching the conclusion that a pandemic did not occur. They noted an anomalous “COVID peak” which was especially prominent in New York City.
  • Journalist Torsten Engelbrecht and physician, Dr Claus Kohnlein analyzed European mortality data and came to the exact same conclusion – the data simply did not support the virus theory.
  • Six months into the Covid “pandemic”, Covid death rates were differing wildly across different countries and jurisdictions. New York City had by far the highest death rate, more than any other country in the world. The data, once again, did not fit a viral cause and instead pointed to an alternate factor at play, localised to NYC and possibly some other countries.

In the next part of this investigation, we’ll build a case for that “other factor” having been EMF-related and likely linked to the 5G rollout.

Symptoms of “Covid-19” Related to EMF Exposure

In this section, we will examine a groundbreaking study published in September of 2021. The study, published in the Journal of Clinical and Translational Research, is titled “Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G”.

The title says it all, for the paper presents a wide range of evidence pointing to a connection between what has been called “Covid-19” and EMF exposure, including 5G.

For anyone unaware of the harms caused by EMF exposure, I suggest reading my two previous articles dealing with this topic, as they provide an overview of the evidence linking EMF exposure to various chronic illnesses as well as environmental devastation.

In order to keep this section short, we’ll dive straight into the aforementioned paper. Here it is worth quoting the study at length. The researchers begin by noting that

“There is a large body of peer reviewed literature, since before World War II, on the biological effects of WCR [wireless communications radiation] that impact many aspects of our health. In examining this literature, we found intersections between the pathophysiology of SARS-CoV-2 and detrimental bioeffects of WCR exposure. Here, we present the evidence suggesting that WCR has been a possible contributing factor exacerbating COVID-19.”

In other words, these researchers found that reported symptoms of Covid-19 were also symptoms of WCR exposure. The researchers go on to summarise some of the epidemiological evidence linking the 5G rollout to the Covid-19 “outbreak”.

“COVID-19 began in Wuhan, China in December 2019, shortly after city-wide 5G had “gone live,” that is, become an operational system, on October 31, 2019. COVID-19 outbreaks soon followed in other areas where 5G had also been at least partially implemented, including South Korea, Northern Italy, New York City, Seattle, and Southern California. In May 2020, Mordachev [4] reported a statistically significant correlation between the intensity of radiofrequency radiation and the mortality from SARS-CoV-2 in 31 countries throughout the world. During the first pandemic wave in the United States, COVID-19 attributed cases and deaths were statistically higher in states and major cities with 5G infrastructure as compared with states and cities that did not yet have this technology [5].”

Here are some maps that I compiled (not from the paper quoted above) showing, visually, the Covid-5G association.

Note that New York City features on the list of areas where, according to the researchers, “5G had been at least partially implemented”. We can now note the following about NYC:

  1. The “COVID peak” was “off the charts” compared to other areas in the US and the COVID death rate was abnormally high.
  2. So-called “COVID-19” patients there suffered from some unknown condition akin to high altitude sickness.
  3. A 5G network had been at least partially implemented shortly before the COVID “outbreak” occurred.

The researchers go on to present the following table, showing a clear relationship between the effects of WCR (Wireless Communications Radiation) exposure and various symptoms associated with “COVID-19”.

Table reproduced from Rubik & Brown, 2021.

They then conclude by summing up the known effects of WCR exposure and how they relate to COVID-19 (emphasis added):

“Specifically, evidence presented here supports a premise that WCR and, in particular, 5G, which involves densification of 4G, may have exacerbated the COVID-19 pandemic by weakening host immunity and increasing SARS-CoV-2 virulence by (1) causing morphologic changes in erythrocytes including echinocyte and rouleaux formation that may be contributing to hypercoagulation; (2) impairing microcirculation and reducing erythrocyte and hemoglobin levels exacerbating hypoxia; (3) amplifying immune dysfunction, including immunosuppression, autoimmunity, and hyperinflammation; (4) increasing cellular oxidative stress and the production of free radicals exacerbating vascular injury and organ damage; (5) increasing intracellular Ca2+ essential for viral entry, replication, and release, in addition to promoting pro-inflammatory pathways; and (6) worsening heart arrhythmias and cardiac disorders.”

What interests us most here is point number 2 (italicised/bolded). The researchers claim that WCR can impair microcirculation and reduce erythrocyte and haemoglobin levels, exacerbating hypoxia. Another name for “hypoxia” is “altitude sickness” (i.e. a severe lack of oxygen). In other words, here we have a potential explanation for the “high altitude sickness” like condition described by Dr Sidell in NYC.

Note also that some of the COVID-19 related manifestations listed in the table such as organ failure, myocarditis, cardiac failure, arrhythmia, etc (effects not generally associated with the flu or any viral pneumonia), may be explainable when one considers the effects of EMF exposure.

In his book “The Contagion Myth”, Dr Thomas Cowan provides more evidence for the deleterious effects of radiofrequency radiation, especially 5G. After noting that “hypoxia” is reported as a frequent symptom of COVID-19 and that this is caused by the release of iron from the haemoglobin molecule, he goes to comment as follows (emphasis added):

“The conventional explanation for the release of iron from hemoglobin is the action of glycoproteins in the coronavirus—but the action of 5G’s millimeter waves is an equally good explanation, especially those at 60GHz, which disrupt oxygen molecules. An interesting observation about lung malfunction in Covid-19 patients is that it is bilateral (both lungs at the same time), whereas ordinary pneumonia typically affects only one lung. What kind of virus knows to attack both lungs?”

Dr Cowan then goes on to comment on the nature of “COVID-19” as experienced by patients in Wuhan (a city that also rolled out its 5G network mere days before the “outbreak”):

“A study from Wuhan showed that more than one-third of coronavirus patients had neurologic symptoms including dizziness, headaches, impaired consciousness, skeletal-muscle injury, and loss of smell and taste—and more rarely seizures and stroke. This is not your normal flu, this is a serious disease.”

When Cowan says, “This is not your normal flu, this is a serious disease.” He is right in one sense and wrong in another. You see, as has been my thesis throughout, “COVID-19” is not and never has been, a single disease, rather, it has been used as an “umbrella term” to include everything from mild flu symptoms to life-threatening, EMF-induced hypoxia.

In light of this evidence, we must ask ourselves – What role did EMFs/5G play in the COVID charade? Was it 5G alone that caused the anomalous “COVID peak” we see in certain areas? If so, why was the death rate in NYC so much higher than anywhere else? Was “Sars-Cov-2″ used as a cover for the rollout of dangerous radiofrequencies?

Or… Was there some sort of covert, EMF-related weaponry being used in select areas?

Speculating on the Existence and Possible Use of Advanced Electromagnetic Weapons

The reader should be advised that this section of the article is mostly speculation. However, the case for the intentional deployment of some kind of EMF-related weaponry, is, I believe, a solid one. After all, if you were part of a group looking to feign the signs of a viral respiratory pandemic, blasting people with hypoxia-inducing radiofrequencies is one way you could do it. And as we discovered, that appears to be what happened in NYC (and possibly other areas).

However, the only evidence for this theory is the rollout of a 5G network in key pandemic “hotspots” around the world (including NYC). The problem, of course, is that there were plenty of countries that had 5G networks and yet did not showcase the same dramatic “COVID peak” as NYC did.

While there are many factors that would have contributed to this COVID peak besides EMFs, including lockdown stringency, care home laws, population age and health status, etc, three other possibilities exist:

  1. 5G networks in certain areas were covertly used (or possibly hijacked) to “blast” the local population with dangerous radiofrequencies (such as 60Ghz millimetre-wave 5G which can disrupt oxygen molecules).
  2. The increased density of radiofrequencies, brought about by the 5G rollout interacted with something that was already present within people’s bodies, “activating” a disease state.
  3. An altogether separate EMF technology was in use.

As it turns out, there is evidence to support all three possibilities.

Evidence for the Existence of EMF-Related Weapons

The Spanish research group “La Quinta Columna” (the fifth column) have also argued that there is an EMF-related component to the Covid-19 “pandemic”.

La Quinta Columna was founded by Ricardo Delgado Martín, a biostatistician from Seville university. Quinta Columna says its main objective is to

“Show THE REALITY, no matter how uncomfortable the TRUTH may be due to the nature of the events or news in which it participates, without being subject to prejudice and conflicts of economic, moral, ethical, political, religious, ideological or otherwise.”

Most of the information regarding Quinta Columna online is in Spanish and as such, I lack the necessary information to make an informed judgement regarding their thesis. However, as they are one of the few research groups brave enough to investigate the link between Covid-19, vaccines and 5G/EMFs, it’s important to consider what they have to say.

Delgado’s thesis is that increased illness due to “COVID-19” is actually a result of the excitation, by radio-frequency signals, of graphene oxide already present within the body. Delgado briefly outlines his hypothesis in a July 2021 interview:

“…we are convinced that precisely the graphene oxide was the cause of the COVID-19 disease that was introduced, silently and stealthily in the 2019 anti-flu campaign globally. And they caused, with the subsequent electromagnetic bidding that everyone knows —with the famous 5G switch-on, the tests— the fashionable disease.”

In other words, Delgado believes that graphene oxide was introduced into people’s bodies via the 2019 flu vaccine and then excited by 5G radiofrequencies, causing hypoxia (i.e. “Covid-19”) which was then propagandized as a viral pandemic.

Noteworthy is that flu vaccine uptake was highest among the elderly population.

Delgado goes on to remind us that many surgical masks were also found to contain graphene and hypothesizes that Covid “waves” (i.e. the observed “COVID peaks”) are actually the result of 5G antenna activations:

“And by pressing a little button that activates the 5G, that is why they know when a wave is coming, the 2nd, the 3rd… The Delta variant, the Lambda… The Delta variant is the next 5G antennas activation, and that’s why we have to be careful.”

Delgado claims that NAC (n-acetylcysteine) and Glutathione were successful treatments for Covid patients suffering from hypoxia. The reason for this, he claims, is because, along with inhibiting or reducing the cytokine storm, “glutathione reduces and oxidizes, that is, eliminates the graphene oxide.”

Their research has claimed to find graphene oxide present in Covid-19 vaccines, which they say interacts with radio frequencies causing a number of severe health effects, including cardiac events.

Their research is controversial and their claims are not supported by all on the alternative side. However, in light of everything presented in this article thus far, it is worth considering.

And there is one more interesting piece of evidence that they have brought forward, possibly indicating the existence of a powerful EMF-related weapons capability. This will be more persuasive when we examine other anomalous happenings later on.

In this video, Ricardo Delgado and Jose Luis discuss a recording (seemingly captured by a CCTV camera, though it’s hard to tell) showing what appears to be the sudden death of a cyclist. The most interesting aspect of the video is the split-second glitch in the recording at the precise moment the cyclist collapses to the ground.

According to Delgado and Luis, this constitutes evidence of an electromagnetic “pulse” of some kind. I have embedded the video below.

A disclaimer is in order: I have not been able to verify the original footage. I don’t know where it comes from, I don’t know if the cyclist actually died and I don’t know whether it’s a legitimate recording. However, I include it here because, if real, this odd phenomenon seems to fall in line with another perplexing phenomenon that has increased in recent years: mass, sudden bird deaths.

Mass Sudden Die-Offs of Birds: Evidence of EMF Weaponry?

While not common knowledge, there have been a number of recorded mass sudden bird deaths in recent years. Not much digging was needed on my part to uncover these cases, for many of them have been catalogued by Dr Joseph Farrell on his blog at

Here is a brief overview of some of these strange cases, along with Dr Farrell’s enlightening commentary:

July 9th – Mysterious Universe reports More Dead Birds Fall From the Sky in Idaho:

“On June 27, 2015, a road in Kuna, Idaho, was found covered with dead songbirds. This follows the mass deaths earlier this year of over 2,000 migrating snow geese that dropped to the ground dead or dying in eastern Idaho.”

Dr Farrell comments as follows (emphasis added):

“Now you’ll note that in this version of the story, in the comments section, there’s a brief exchange between two commenters, one of whom notes strange intereference with his bluetooth signal as he was driving through Idaho.”

(I haven’t been able to find the comment he refers to but then again, the article is almost 7 years old so it may have been removed).

Dr Farrell then speculates as follows

“Could these events be caused by some sort of secret human technology, or could they be the unintended consequence of its use or other secret activity? Maybe. Again, I don’t know.”

November 14, 2018 – Europe Reloaded reports Hundreds of birds dead during 5G experiment in The Hague, The Netherlands:

“About a week ago at The Hague, many birds died spontaneously, falling dead in a park. You likely haven’t heard a lot about this because it seems keeping it quiet was the plan all along. However, when about 150 more suddenly died – bringing the death toll to 297 – some started to take notice.”

“…And if you are looking around that park you might have seen what is on the corner of the roof across the street from where they died: a new 5G mast, where they had done a test, in connection with the Dutch railway station, to see how large the range was and whether no harmful equipment would occur on and around the station.”

The interesting thing about this story is that Snopes was quick to publish a “fact check” claiming that no such 5G test took place (although they did admit that one such test had taken place in that area in June of that year).

More interesting is Dr Farrell’s commentary on the incident. After outlining his thoughts regarding the use of microwave interferometry technologies, he goes on to offer his usual “high octane speculation”:

“It is a short step from that basic concept to a similar use of microwave technologies – perhaps again involving interferometry – to produce beat frequencies which could interfere with, or actually shut down, the electrical functioning of organisms’ nervous systems, including organs such as the heart. And that’s what is so alarming here: birds might be resonant to certain such frequencies, other organisms to other frequencies. All one needs to do, so to speak, is to “dial in” the right frequency, and one could eradicate a regional population of dogs, cats… or even humans.”

(Think back to the video of the cyclist above.)

September 15, 2020 – NBC News reports Birds are dropping dead in New Mexico, potentially in the ‘hundreds of thousands’:

“Wildlife experts in New Mexico say birds in the region are dropping dead in alarming numbers, potentially in the “hundreds of thousands.””

NBC goes on to note that

“Multiple agencies are investigating the occurrences, including the Bureau of Land Management and the White Sands Missile Range, a military testing area.”

And here is Dr Farrell’s commentary (emphasis added):

“You don’t say… the military at the White Sands Missile Range is investigating? Well, it makes sense… if one suspected an unknown fast-acting pathogen, biowarfare, or some completely different cause, or maybe even some version of my bio-electromagnetically activated pathogen.”

And now for two more interesting cases that also occurred during the Covid scamdemic…

June 25, 2021 – ZeroHedge reports Why Are Large Numbers Of Birds Suddenly Dropping Dead In Multiple US States?:

“As if we didn’t have enough weird things going on, now birds are suddenly dropping dead in large numbers all across the eastern half of the country. Before they die, a lot of these birds are exhibiting very strange symptoms… If scientists understood what was causing this to happen, that would be one thing. But at this point they have no idea why this is taking place, and that is quite alarming.”

Dr Farrell offers no speculation about what might be causing this round of mass bird deaths but finds the timing of the event, and the symptoms experienced by the birds, to be overly suspicious.

“What I do know is that birds going blind, or not being able to fly away from approaching humans, or shivering and shaking as if they’re having a seizure, is not normal… And what I strongly suspect is that someone knows why, and isn’t talking…”

Finally, that brings us to the latest case.

12 February 2022 – Sputnik News reports Hundreds of Starlings Drop Dead in Wales After Locals Hear ‘Huge Electrical-Type Bang’:

“Hundreds of birds dropped dead from the sky in Wales on Thursday, after witnesses reported hearing a “’huge electrical-type bang’.”

“Ian Mccaffrey, who works in Waterston, reported hearing a large electrical-type bang as he left work on Thursday night. He says following the shocking noise, dozens of birds fell from the sky and landed on his car. Mccaffrey said the loud sound was similar to lightning.”

Here it is the reports of a “large electrical-type bang” that is most interesting as it seems to corroborate the idea of the existence of a powerful EMF weapons technology. Dr Farrell recognizes this too, offering the following commentary:

“When that flock of crows (I believe) first died in Tennessee many years ago, I’ve thought that this electro-magnetic “pressure field” was perhaps the best explanation. And now we have an odd video, and reports of “electrical bangs”, to go with it. And yes, that means in my opinion the case for that speculation just became a small bit stronger.”

It is to be noted that the cases of strange sudden bird deaths reviewed here constitute only a portion of the total reported incidents. It is also highly relevant that EMF signals can penetrate into a bird’s nervous system, disrupting its ability to navigate. I covered this in a previous article on environmental crises.

Let’s sum up:

  • Recent years have seen increasing reports of mass, sudden bird deaths.
  • In many of these cases, there is some sort of link to electromagnetic technology. In the Idaho case, one person complained of bluetooth interference around the time of the incident; in the Netherlands case, 5G tests were being carried out in the vicinity of the mass die-offs, and in the latest Wales case, a “huge electrical-type bang” was heard prior to the die-offs. In one case, even the military began investigating.
  • Dr Joseph Farrell, a scholar who has been tracking strange animal deaths has speculated that the cause may be due to some kind of “electromagnetic pressure field”.
  • And finally, a recent video posted online captured the apparent sudden death of a cyclist at the exact time there was a split-second glitch in the video recording. Some have argued that this points to an electromagnetic “pulse” of some sort, perhaps hinting at a similar technology as proposed above.

And with that, we are ready to conclude our investigation.


Although the Covid-19 death rate is more or less akin to seasonal flu, not warranting the need for special vaccines or preventatives, lurking beneath the fraudulent testing and dubious death reporting were the reports of strange symptoms resembling high altitude sickness.

The all-cause mortality data for certain areas, NYC in particular, also exhibited a highly anomalous “COVID peak”, certainly not explainable in terms of a novel respiratory pathogen.

A recent peer-reviewed study provided compelling evidence that many of the symptoms associated with “COVID-19” are also effects of EMF exposure. This, together with the compelling epidemiological data, suggests a link between the rollout of 5G and areas that exhibited a pronounced “COVID peak”.

Finally, in recent years there has been a flurry of mass sudden bird deaths in various places around the world. Many of these incidents exhibited some sort of connection to electromagnetic interference or radiofrequencies of some sort.

Spanish researchers from Quinta Columna have also analysed a video purported to show the sudden death of a cyclist that they believe occurred due to an EMF pulse of some kind.

They further maintain that “COVID peaks” occurred as a result of the excitation of graphene oxide by EMF bombardment which they believe can cause hypoxia (explaining the strange reports of “high altitude sickness” in NYC) and cardiac events (which have increased since the COVID vaccine roll out).

The volume of research linking EMF exposure with ill health is far too great to ignore, meaning that, regardless of the data put forth here, EMFs undoubtedly contributed to ill health during the COVID-19 “pandemic” and continue to do so. However, the evidence presented here may also point to the deliberate use of a covert, EMF-related weapons technology.

If that is the case, then, considering the massive effort to flood low earth orbit with EMF-beaming satellites and the ever-expanding 5G rollout, a lot more research is needed… and fast.

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cover image credit: geralt

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