
Alla inlägg under juni 2021

Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 21 juni 2021 14:11

Read the story here.Advertise at Before It's News here.

Finally! Vaccine Depopulation Agenda "Confirmed"? Spike Protein Attack! (Dr. Byram Bridle Phd) Dr. Peter Mccullough Talks With Reiner Fuellmich - The Ten Year Plandemic - How Globalists Used Wuhan as a Springboard for World Control! Must See!


And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.  (Revelation 18:23 KJV)

The CCP are the fall guy for the Coronova virus even though Fauci and Gates funded the Wuhan lab.  Revelation 18:23 tells us that it it is the rich men of the earth who are the real enemy.  The rich banksters want all of humanity dead.  All wars are banker’s war and Gates even admits on his compnay sign that his goal is to reduce the population if he does a real good job with vaccines.  See Gates Ted Talk that he plans to reduce the world’s population by 15% using vaccines.  



Our guests are: Dr. Naomi Wolf, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Drew Hernandez, Phillip Rizzo, Hirsh Singh.  Great clip of lady 18 years ago requesting that Fauci step down.

Stay ahead of the censors – Join us



Even though Dr. Byram Bridle loses nearly all credibility by stating he is “normally” PRO-V A C C I N E, he does put out some good information here. This Professor of Viral Immunology states that the spike protein in the c o v i d jabs are a very dangerous toxin. This 8 minute video can save your life, your children’s lives and your grandchildren’s lives.


Alex Pierson @ Global News


Interview with Reiner Fuellmich.  James Corbett must see video on How Big Oil controlled the world a hundred years ago.  The same people behind WW1 anad WW2 and Big Oil are the same players today trying to conquer the world such as the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.

If you can prove that the NIH and WHO got their treatment guidelines right, you could win $2M

Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 21 juni 2021 07:34

Vad är det som överförs? Varför blöder människor?
Den frågan ställer sig Dr Sherri Tenpenny, Dr Christiane Northrup, Dr Carrie Madej, Dr Lee Merritt, Dr Larry.

There's a lot of this shedding stuff coming out - take a look and make up your mind.

Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 20 juni 2021 09:57

I detta avsnitt i vetenskapsserien, intervjuar Mikael Willgert, Lars Bern och Peter Abelin.
Den här infomationen kan vara viktig för dig som står inför beslutet att ta sprutan eller ej.
Avsnittet handlar om spikproteiner.


Information till dig som ska vaccineras mot Covid 19 - Lars Bern och Peter Abelin i Swebbtv Vetenskap 35.

Sammanfattning av innehållet, sammanställt av Kristina Hollbrink:

I serien Vetenskap diskuterar läkaren och analytikern inom Life Sciences Peter Abelin och Swebbtvs vetenskaplige kommentator Lars Bern med Mikael Willgert om de den information som har framkommit om vaccinerna mot Corona, något som aktualiserats i och med oroande nyheter kring de nya v ac c i n e r n a s påverkan, t ex på äggstockar och benmärg. 
Peter Abelin föreslår att alla incidenter som kan kopplas till biverkningar av vaccin bör samlas i en databas för att kunna forskas om. Dagens system vid Läkemedelsverket är otillräckligt (dör man av eller med corona t ex?) och dödsfall registreras inte, vilket gjordes tidigare.
Lars Bern tar upp att de nya vaccinerna inte är ordentligt utprovade och rutiner har frångåtts med hänsyn till "nödsituation" pga pandemin. Men dödligheten har inte ökat nämnvärt. Tillgängliga befintliga läkemedel, flera naturliga som D-vitamin, billiga och utan patent (Hydroxyklorokin och Ivermectin), som skulle kunna skydda mot covid-19, har motarbetats av läkemedelsetablissemanget och studier av dessa har förfalskats.
En aktuell video med uppfinnaren av MRNA-vaccinet, som innehåller spikprotein, kommenteras eftersom han är kritisk till att massvaccinera folk utan fler studier.
Peter Abelin ser två vägar att säkra läkemedelbruk, dels på molekylärnivå, dels statistiskt. Biverkningar syns inte alltid vid laboratorieframställning.
Om spikprotein bara var den ofarliga komponent av viruset som man trott hade det enligt Lars Bern inte orsakat problem när dessa genereras av vaccinet. Men det verkar nu ge biverkningar såsom blodproppar vilket visats för AstraZenecas vaccin mot covid-19. Men sannolikt gäller detta alla v a c c i n e r som förekommer i Sverige. Dessutom kan även andra autoimmuna sidoeffekter uppstå.
V a c c i n  som bygger på syntetisering av spikprotein har motiverats av att man inte kunnat syntetisera v a c c i n från avdöda smittade virus. Men nu framkommer att kineserna lyckats med det för sitt vaccin.
Vi har i tidigare program diskuterat att vaccinet ansamlas i äggstockarna. Konsekvenserna av detta är oklara. Det går inte att säga om det förstör kvinnans förråd av ägg, om det ger sterilitet eller andra följder.
Kvinnor har dessutom larmat om menstruationsrubbningar och blödningar pga v a c c i n e r i n g mot C o v i d-19. Lars Bern avråder yngre personer från att ta v a c c i n. Äldre löper större risk om de insjuknar i corona och där kan det vara mer motiverat.
Peter Abelin ifrågasätter massv a c c i n e r i n g som metod för en relativt ofarlig sjukdom. Är det meningsfullt att v a c c i n e r a en hel befolkning undrar han när det skulle kunna räcka att skydda definierade riskgrupper. Dessutom är det bra att att aktivera immunförsvaret vilket inte sker med distansering och nedstängning, menar han. Nya virusvarianter av c o v i d-19 leder till att fler sorters v a c c i n e r behövs vilket leder till återkommande v a c c i n e r i n g a r.
Tittare som tagit D-vitamin och zink mot covid-19 uppmanas kontakta Swebbtv. Vi vill veta om D-vitamin och zink ger ett skydd.
Lars Bern rekommenderar 5000 i.e D-vitamin per dygn och dubbelt för överviktiga.
Myndigheternas och mediernas kampanj "Kavla upp" kritiseras av Lars Bern utifrån deltagarnas okunnighet och osäkert faktaunderlag om v a c c i n e r i n g.
Det kan vara så att Kina ligger bakom v a c c i n e t. Men man behöver komma ihåg att Kina som kommande stormakt svartmålas av USA i ett geopolitiskt spel.
Summering av att ta v a c c i n med spikprotein är att det kan leda till skadliga biverkningar, främst för kvinnor. Riskerna för infertilitet är inte klarlagda. Dessutom finns det rapporter om att spikprotein förs över med modersmjölken till spädbarn.
Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 19 juni 2021 19:15

Nürnbergkoden skrevs mellan 1945 -1949 med nio olika dommar som bakgrund.
Dessa tio punkter uppkom efter 2:a Världskriget för att förhindra att det som då hände skulle hända igen.
De här punkterna åföljs inte av våra regeringar:


Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 19 juni 2021 13:17

Brittisk läkare förklarar:

Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 19 juni 2021 13:00

Is This a Possible C O V I D V a c c i n e A n t i d o t e?

Published 1 month ago on May 13, 2021



    With all the horrendous effects caused by the COVID vaccines, is there a possible COVID vaccine antidote?


    To be aware of natural herbs, plants or other substances which can reduce or eliminate blood coagulation and RNA replication is powerful knowledge.

possible COVID vaccine antidote

Is this a possible Co V I D v a c c i n e  a n t i d o t e? The drug suramin is dervied from pine needles, which can ingested as tea, to inhibit blood coagulation and RNA replication.

Is there a possible C O V I D  v a c c i n e  antidote

which could protect those who have been injected with the concoction passing itself off as a C O V I D v a c c i n e? Dr. Judy Mikovits thinks so. Mikovits, who was featured in the Plandemic film, recently revealed the name of it (which you can hear in this video excerpt): suramin. The disturbing horror stories of the C O V I D vaxxed never seem to end. Firstly, there are all the numerous adverse effects of those who have taken the C O V I D non-vaccine including migraines, bruising, heavy and irregular menstruation, miscarriages, potential sterility and potentially lethal blood clotting. (You can read what people are self-reporting at this Reddit group – scary). Then, there is the bizarre phenomenon of the C O V I D v a x x e d transmitting these effects to the unvaccinated just by being around them. On top of that, there is the phenomenon of magnets sticking to the C O V I D v a x x e d at the injection site. The point of the C O V I D non-v a c c i n e is to program your RNA to make spike proteins so that your body will make antibodies against them, antibodies which will supposedly protect you against S A R S-C o V -2. While there are many problems with this theory – including the fact there is no real SARS-C o V -2 and that spike proteins rest on the unfounded assumption of an isolated and purified virus – there is also the distinct danger that these artificially-induced spike proteins will cause you harm. This is where the possible C O V I D v a c c i n e antidote comes in.

Possible C O V I D V a c c i n e  Antidote: Suramin

Suramin is a drug which has been used as medicine for conditions such as African sleeping sickness and river blindness. It has been know to the medical profession for 100 years. Recently a small randomized clinical trial conducted the University of California San Diego found that a single intravenous dose of suramin produced dramatic improvement of core symptoms of autism, aka autism spectrum disorder (ASD). So what is suramin exactly? It turns out that it’s yet another pharmaceutical drug which is an extract of a natural substance, in this case pine needles. This follow the Big Pharma business model of bio-piracy – find natural plants and substances, isolate a chemical from them, get a patent on it and sell it, while using scientific journals and the media to trash anyone who claims the original plant has medicinal value.

The article Possible Antidote for the V-Serum and the Current Spike Protein Contagion does a good job of going down the rabbit hole to reveal what suramin does and where it comes from:

“Here is the trail of science and data that shows the derivative relationship between pine needles and Suramin (“the elist’s antidote” to microbial illnesses) – and which also provides a potential antidote for those affected by the spike protein contagion … Suramin further decreases the activities of a large number of enzymes involved in DNA and RNA synthesis and modification: DNA polymerases (103, 104), RNA polymerases (103, 105, 106), reverse transcriptase (18, 103), telomerase (67), and enzymes involved in winding/ unwinding of DNA (107, 108) are inhibited by suramin, as well as histone- and chromatin-modifying enzymes like chromobox proteins (109), methyltransferases (110), and sirtuin histone deacetylases (111). This is medical-speak for inhibiting the inappropriate replication and modification of RNA and DNA … Suramin also showed inhibitory effects against components of the coagulation cascade (71, 130) … Excessive coagulation causes blood clots, mini-clots, strokes, and unusually heavy menstrual cycles.”

Extremely interesting! It reveals that suramin inhibits blood coagulation or blood clots (a major theme throughout the entire C O V I D op) – the very issue that caused officials to be wary of the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccines, causing many European nations to ban them, and also causing the US CDC at one point to halt them. Blood coagulation is also a theme of C O V I D itself, even before the advent of v a c c i n e s. What is also very fascinating is that suramin has the reported ability to decrease the activities of enzymes involved in DNA and RNA synthesis. This is e xactly what the other 2 COVID vaccines – those made by Moderna and Pfizer – are trying to promote.

So, in plain English, this stuff could potentially slow or stop all the horrible blood clots people are suffering, plus potentially block the inappropriate RNA and DNA replication that the mRNA devices are trying to engender.

Suramin is Derived from Pine Needles

So where does suramin come from? Pine needles. It is one of many phytochemicals or plant chemicals that comes from pine needles, as the above article summarizes:


Suramin is Derived from Trypan Blue

Trypan blue is derived from toluidine, that is, any of several isomeric bases, C14H16N2, derived from toluene. Trypan blue is so-called because it can kill trypanosomes, the parasites that cause sleeping sickness. An  analog of trypan blue, suramin, is used pharmacologically against trypanosomiasis. Trypan blue is also known as diamine blue and Niagara blue… Trypan red and trypan blue were first synthesized by the German scientist Paul Ehrlich in 1904.

Trypan Blue is a derivative of toluene which is a derivative of pine oil.
The compound was first isolated in 1837 through a distillation of pine oil by the Polish chemist Filip Walter, who named it rétinnaphte.”

Why Take Suramin when You Could Make and Take Pine Needle Tea?

Why take a synthetic and isolated version when you could take the full-spectrum natural substance?

“Pine needle tea provides a similar, if not superior, benefit, due in part to the fact that it is a direct mild extract of the whole herb leaving many of its properties still intact that might be destroyed by excessive heat during distillation and further dissection of its many nutrient components … Pine needles are high in vitamin C and A among numerous other compounds which provide a long list of benefits:

A 2011 Korean study demonstrated using pine needles in tea was the best way to access the antioxidant benefits from pine needles.  The study demonstrated that the hot water extract of pine needle proanthocyanidins and catechins offer the highest levels of antioxidant benefits compared with chemical extract processes. There are other known benefits that pine needle tea and the tea made from other conifers share, which include:

  • Analgesic
  • Antibacterial
  • Antifungal
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antimicrobial
  • Antioxidant
  • Antiseptic
  • Antitumor
  • Antitussive
  • Antiviral
  • Aromatic
  • Astringent
  • Decongestant
  • Detoxifying
  • Disinfectant
  • Diuretic
  • Expectorant
  • Immuno-modulating
  • Improves circulation
  • Invigorating
  • Lymphatic
  • Relaxing
  • Relieves nervous exhaustion and fatigue
  • Relieves sore muscles
  • Restorative
  • Tonic
Herbalists the world over have known all along about the benefits of this simple natural tea. Pine needle tea has been used medicinally worldwide for thousands of years.”

Final Thoughts

As always, do your own research. I am not claiming suramin and/or pine needle tea is the C O V I D v a c c i n e antidote, but rather a possible C O V I D v a c c i n e  antidote. More research needs to be done. If you are going to make your own, make sure you research what you’re doing –  be careful with the yew pine (which is not a true pine and can be toxic, although it does have some medicinal properties). The cypress is not to be used as an essential oil in high doses, but normally safe otherwise. Overall, however, pine needle tea has amazing health benefits. Being aware of natural substances which can block DNA and RNA replication may be very important knowledge in the years to come as we face an increasing virulent nanotech invasion carried out under the rubric of Operation Coronavirus.



Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, author of the book Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and senior researcher at Makia is on Steemit and LBRY.


Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 19 juni 2021 12:47

Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 19 juni 2021 11:51


Entire interview
The mRNA injections as a weapon of bioterrorism - Reiner Fuellmich, Viviane Fischer and Wolfgang Wodarg interviewing the chief physician Dr. Peter A. McCullough on the current situation.



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