
Alla inlägg under juni 2021

Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 5 juni 2021 09:48



Fauci medfinansierade groteska experiment i Wuhan för att ta fram dödliga smittor

Nu avslöjas Anthony Faucis inblandning i det biotekniska laboratorium som Fauci medfinaniserade. Mail som erhållits via Freedom of Information Act visar att Fauci var delaktig i “groteska experiment” som misstänks ha startat c o v i d pandemin. Han visste även att genomgången covid-19 utesluter behovet av c o v i d v a  c c i n.

De frisläppta mailen, som går tillbaka till början av vintern 2020, visar att Fauci var orolig för att allmänheten skulle tro [eller få veta, red anm] att covid-19 härstammar från Wuhan Institute of Virology i Wuhan i Kina. Det är som är graverande för Fauci är att han deltog i finansieringsarbetet av gain-of-function-experiment vid samma laboratorium. Dessa experiment är groteska, enligt många kritiker.

Gain-of-function-experiment avser att förstärka mikroorganismers smittsamhet och förmåga att skada och trigga en immunrespons hos den smittade, enligt

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Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 5 juni 2021 09:35

This interview with WHO whistleblower Astrid Stuckelberger provides insight into the inner workings of the organization. She worked on the International Health Regulations in multiple countries which form part of the legalese of how the pandemic was declared world wide. Listen to her perspective on how the actions of the WHO violate their own regulations.

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Astrid Stuckelberger | Global Corruption | Planet Lockdown

Published June 3, 2021 764 Views

Rumble — This interview with WHO whistleblower Astrid Stuckelberger pprovides insight into the inner workings of the organization. She worked on the International Health Regulations in multiple countries which form part of the legalese of how the pandemic was declared world wide. Listen to her perspective on how the actions of the WHO violate their own regulations.

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Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 5 juni 2021 08:31

Nu avslöjas Anthony Faucis inblandning i det biotekniska laboratorium som Fauci medfinaniserade. Mail som erhållits via Freedom of Information Act visar att Fauci var delaktig i “groteska experiment” som misstänks ha startat c o v i d pandemin. Han visste även att genomgången C o vi d-19 utesluter behovet av c o v i d v a c c i n.

Fauci medfinansierade groteska experiment i Wuhan för att ta fram dödliga smittor


C O R O N A KRISEN. Nu avslöjas Anthony Faucis inblandning i det biotekniska laboratorium som Fauci medfinaniserade. Mail som erhållits via Freedom of Information Act visar att Fauci var delaktig i “groteska experiment” som misstänks ha startat covidpandemin. Han visste även att genomgången C o v i d-19 utesluter behovet av c o v i d v a c c i n.

Text: Torbjörn Sasssersson

De frisläppta mailen, som går tillbaka till början av vintern 2020, visar att Fauci var orolig för att allmänheten skulle tro [eller få veta, red anm] att Covid-19 härstammar från Wuhan Institute of Virology i Wuhan i Kina. Det är som är graverande för Fauci är att han deltog i finansieringsarbetet av gain-of-function-experiment vid samma laboratorium. Dessa experiment är groteska, enligt många kritiker.

Gain-of-function-experiment avser att förstärka mikroorganismers smittsamhet och förmåga att skada och trigga en immunrespons hos den smittade, enligt

“Sky News host Sharri Markson says Anthony Fauci is considered “the Godfather” of Gain-of-Function research after she uncovered a 2012 scientific paper of his that said the benefits of the research were worth the risk of a pandemic.”

Tony Fauci styrde media

Fauci anklagas även för att ha styrt medierna under lång tid och även de stora sociala plattformarna. Han slår nu ifrån sig alla svåra frågor och hänvisar till dåligt minne och att anklagelserna är konspiratoriska.

Tucker Carlson konstaterar att Tony Fauci tidigt försäkrat de sociala tech-jättarna som Facebook och Twitter att coronaviruset inte kan ha producerats i det Wuhan-laboratorium han finansierat och därför stängde dessa tekniska monopol ämnet för vidare diskussioner.

Tucker Carlson:

”Fram till nyligen fick du inte föreslå att Covid kan vara konstgjort. Varför kunde du inte föreslå det? Faktakontrollerna tillåter inte det.”

Tony Fauci har vetat sedan länge att genomgången C o v i d-19 leder till att v a c c i n e i n g inte behövs

Mailen avslöjar även att Fauci medgivit att personer som har haft C o v i d-19 sannolikt har “betydande immunitet”, vilket innebär att de inte behöver v a c c i n e r a s, men i offentliga sammahang har Fauci istället sagt att naturlig immunitet inte kan uppstå och att alla måste vaccineras.

Kolumnisten Miranda Devine vid New York Post förklarar att anledningen till att USA involverade sig i finansiering av laboratoriet i Wuhan handlar om att den tidigare presidenten Barack Obama förbjöd samma typ av forskning vid ett motsvarande lab i USA.

Text: Torbjörn Sasssersson | Bild: Dr Anthony Fauci. Foto: Tia Dufour, Public Domain


Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 5 juni 2021 00:04

Nu avslöjas sanningen om de lögner som Dr Fauci har spridit:

Nu avslöjas Anthony Faucis inblandning i det biotekniska laboratorium som Fauci medfinaniserade. Mail som erhållits via Freedom of Information Act visar att Fauci var delaktig i “groteska experiment” som misstänks ha startat c o v i d pandemin. Han visste även att genomgången Covid-19 utesluter behovet av covidvaccin. Läs mer i inlägget nedan..............

SMOKING GUN: FAUCI LIED, MILLIONS DIED — Fauci Was Informed of Hydroxychloroquine Success in Early 2020 But Lied to Public Instead Despite the Science #FauciEmails

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It’s been over a year since the WHO declared the c o r o n a v i r u s  a pandemic after originally downplaying the threat.  It is no secret that both the disease and the response to combat it following this SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in late 2019 have turned our world upside-down.  Mandates, lockdowns, and guidelines seem to change every time Dr. Fauci opens his mouth.   All of these unprecedented rules were put into place, we were told, to slow down the spread of a disease that today is linked to the death of over half a million Americans and 3.7 million global citizens in the last year.

You would think that researchers would have concentrated on prophylactic and therapeutic solutions of this disease especially since this disease is a death sentence for the elderly, the obese, those with preexisting conditions.  The coronavirus doctors have forced children to avoid school, mask up, and get vaccinated.  One would think that after all this time there would be a consensus in the hospitals, in the nursing homes, and in other treatment centers on how to treat a Covid positive patient or resident.  This is not the case.

There still is no agreed-upon treatment plan for elderly patients who catch coronavirus to assist in their recovery.

The CDC and Dr. Fauci ignored treatment plans for c o r o n a v i r u s patients unless the person was under severe distress.

TRENDING: Steve Bannon: Georgia Will Hold a Forensic Audit - Three Republican Senate Seats Are Coming Back after Full Forensic Audit Completed (VIDEO)

Cardiologist and Professor of Medicine Peter McCullough testified in Texas earlier this year. Dr. McCullough sees COVID patients and says 85% of COVID patients given multi-drug treatment plan recover from the disease with complete immunity. McCullough added, “The pandemic could have been over by now, he says, if those who tested positive for covid had been immediately treated before they fell ill enough to be hospitalized. He also says that thousands could have been, and still could be saved if the treatment protocol he and other physicians use were not suppressed.”

Dr. Fauci and the CDC and WHO suppressed this effective treatment plan and others.

And hundreds of thousands of innocents died.

And now this…
The website tracks all of the international studies on hydroxychloroquine and its effects on the coronavirus.

There is now a new study and the results are SHOCKING!
— HCQ for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 245 studies

HCQ is not effective when used very late with high dosages over a long period (RECOVERY/SOLIDARITY), effectiveness improves with earlier usage and improved dosing. But early treatment consistently shows positive effects.  That’s the science.

The numbers are astounding!

** Hydroxychloroquine worked on COVID-19 last spring.
** Hydroxychloroquine worked on COVID-19 last fall.
** Hydroxychloroquine worked on COVID-19 last winter.
** Hydroxychloroquine works on COVID-19 today.

Dr. Fauci and the CDC banned HCQ as a treatment for coronavirus.
They lied about its effects.
They lied about its dangers.

TGP contributor Larry Johnson touched on this on Wednesday night and took excerpts from Headline USA‘s reports on Dr. Fauci’s emails regarding hydroxychloroquine.

But the e-mails also showed that Fauci was more in the loop than he let on concerning some of the Trump administration’s proposed treatment solutions.

Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 4 juni 2021 11:31

Artikeln från igår översatt till svenska. Översättning av Ninni Britasdotter.

Ytterligare info om spikeproteinets giftighet och hur det påverkar alla organ.
Har översatt The Defenders artikel.
COVID-vaccinforskare hade tidigare antagit att mRNA COVID-vacciner skulle bete sig som traditionella vacciner. Vaccinets spikprotein - ansvarigt för infektion och dess allvarligaste symtom - skulle förbli mestadels på injektionsstället vid axelmuskulaturen eller lokala lymfkörtlar.
Men ny forskning som erhållits av en grupp forskare motsäger den teorin, sa en kanadensisk cancervaccinforskare förra veckan.
”Vi gjorde ett stort misstag. Vi insåg det inte förrän nu, säger Byram Bridle, en viral immunolog och docent vid University of Guelph, Ontario. ”Vi trodde att spikproteinet var ett bra målantigen, vi visste aldrig att spikproteinet i sig var ett toxin och var ett patogent protein. Så genom att vaccinera människor inympar vi dem oavsiktligt med ett toxin. ”
Bridle, som förra året tilldelades ett bidrag på 230 000 dollar av den kanadensiska regeringen för forskning om utveckling av COVID-vaccin, sa att han och en grupp internationella forskare lämnade in en begäran om information från den japanska tillsynsmyndigheten för att få tillgång till Pfizers ”biodistributionsstudie”.
Biodistributionsstudier används för att bestämma var en injicerad förening färdas i kroppen och vilka vävnader eller organ den ackumuleras i.
"Det är första gången vetenskapsmän någonsin har varit medvetna om att se vart dessa budbärar-RNA [mRNA] -vacciner går efter vaccination," sa Bridle i en intervju med Alex Pierson där han först avslöjade uppgifterna. ”Är det ett säkert antagande att det stannar i axelmuskelen? Det korta svaret är: absolut inte. Det är väldigt oroväckande. ”
Sars-CoV-2 har ett spikprotein på ytan. Det spikproteinet är det som gör att det kan smitta våra kroppar, förklarade Bridle. "Det är därför vi har använt spikproteinet i våra vacciner", säger Bridle. ”De vacciner vi använder får cellerna i våra kroppar för att tillverka det proteinet. Om vi kan få ett immunsvar mot det proteinet kan vi i teorin förhindra att detta virus infekterar kroppen. Det är teorin bakom vaccinet. ”
"Men när man studerar de allvarliga COVID-19, [...] hjärtproblemen är många problem med hjärt-kärlsystemet, blödning och koagulation, alla förknippade med COVID-19", tillade han. "Genom att göra den forskningen, vad som har upptäckts av det vetenskapliga samfundet, är spikproteinet på egen hand nästan helt ansvarigt för skadorna på det kardiovaskulära systemet, om det kommer i omlopp."
När det renade spikproteinet injiceras i blodet hos forskningsdjur upplever de skador på det kardiovaskulära systemet och proteinet kan passera blod-hjärnbarriären och orsaka hjärnskador, förklarade Bridle.
Biodistributionsstudien som Bridle erhållit visar att COVID-spikproteinet kommer in i blodet där det cirkulerar i flera dagar efter vaccination och sedan ackumuleras i organ och vävnader inklusive mjälte, benmärg, levern, binjurarna och i "ganska höga koncentrationer" i äggstockarna.
”Vi har länge vetat att spikproteinet är ett patogent protein, säger Bridle. ”Det är ett toxin. Det kan orsaka skador i vår kropp om den kommer i omlopp. ”
Ett stort antal studier har visat att de mest allvarliga effekterna av SARS-CoV-2, viruset som orsakar COVID, såsom blodproppar och blödning, beror på effekterna av virusets spikprotein.
En nyligen genomförd studie av kliniska och infektionssjukdomar som leddes av forskare vid Brigham and Women's Hospital och Harvard Medical School mätte longitudinella plasmaprov samlade från 13 mottagare av Moderna-vaccinet 1 och 29 dagar efter den första dosen och 1-28 dagar efter den andra dosen. .
Av dessa individer hade 11 detekterbara nivåer av SARS-CoV-2-protein i blodplasma så tidigt som en dag efter den första vaccindosen, inklusive tre som hade detekterbara nivåer av spikprotein. Ett "subenhet" -protein som heter S1, en del av spikproteinet, detekterades också.
Spikprotein detekterades i genomsnitt 15 dagar efter den första injektionen och en patient hade spikprotein detekterbart dag 29 – en dag efter en andra vaccindos – som försvann två dagar senare.
Resultaten visade att S1-antigenproduktion efter den första vaccinationen kan detekteras dag ett och är närvarande utanför injektionsstället och tillhörande regionala lymfkörtlar.
Om vi antar en genomsnittlig vuxens blodvolym på cirka 5 liter motsvarar detta toppnivåer på cirka 0,3 mikrogram cirkulerande fritt antigen för ett vaccin som endast är utformat för att uttrycka membranförankrat antigen.
I en studie publicerad i Nature Neuroscience utvecklade laboratoriedjur som injicerats med renat spikprotein i blodet kardiovaskulära problem. Spikproteinet korsade också blod-hjärnbarriären och orsakade skada på hjärnan.
Det var ett allvarligt misstag att tro att spikproteinet inte skulle komma in i blodcirkulationen, enligt Bridle. "Nu har vi tydliga bevis för att vaccinerna som gör cellerna i våra deltoidmuskler tillverkar detta protein - att de Stephanie Seneff, senior forskare vid Massachusetts Institute of Technology, sa att det nu är klart att vaccininnehållet levereras till mjälten och körtlarna, inklusive äggstockarna och binjurarna, och skjuts ut i mediet och når så småningom blodomloppet orsakar systemskador.
"ACE2-receptorer är vanliga i hjärtat och hjärnan", tillade hon. "Och det är så spikproteinet orsakar kardiovaskulära och kognitiva problem."
Dr J. Patrick Whelan, en reumatolog för barn, varnade den amerikanska livsmedels- och läkemedelsmyndigheten (FDA) i december mRNA-vacciner kan orsaka mikrovaskulär skada i hjärna, hjärta, lever och njurar på sätt som inte bedömts i säkerhetsstudier.
I ett offentligt inlägg försökte Whelan varna FDA om potentialen för vacciner som är utformade för att skapa immunitet mot SARS-CoV-2-spikproteinet för att istället orsaka skador.
Whelan var orolig för att mRNA-vaccinetekniken som användes av Pfizer och Moderna hade "potentialen att orsaka mikrovaskulär skada (inflammation och små blodproppar som kallas mikrotrombi) i hjärnan, hjärtat, levern och njurarna på ett sätt som inte bedömdes i säkerhetsstudierna."
Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 4 juni 2021 07:57

Professor Bryam Bridle beskriver spikproteiner som gift.


V a c c i n e researcher admits ‘big mistake,’ says spike protein is dangerous ‘toxin’

‘Terrifying’ new research finds v a c c i n e spike protein unexpectedly in bloodstream. The protein is linked to blood clots, heart and brain damage, and potential risks to nursing babies and fertility.
Mon May 31, 2021 - 5:22 pm EST
Featured ImageProfessor Bryam BridleUniversity of Guelph / YouTube

Editor’s Note: This article has been amended to note that 11 of 13 vaccinated subjects in a recent Ogata study had detectable protein from SARS coronavirus in their bloodstream including three people who had measurable spike protein. Whereas the article referenced a statement from Professor Bridle's group stating that spike protein was present for 29 days in one person, the study in question states that spike protein was found in the person on Day 29,  one day after a second vaccine injection with and was undetectable two days later. 

May 31, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — New research shows that the coronavirus spike protein from COVID-19 vaccination unexpectedly enters the bloodstream, which is a plausible explanation for thousands of reported side-effects from blood clots and heart disease to brain damage and reproductive issues, a Canadian cancer vaccine researcher said last week.

“We made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now,” said Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist and associate professor at University of Guelph, Ontario, in an interview with Alex Pierson last Thursday, in which he warned listeners that his message was “scary.”


“We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin,” Bridle said on the show, which is not easily found in a Google search but went viral on the internet this weekend.

Bridle, a vaccine researcher who was awarded a $230,000 government grant last year for research on COVID vaccine development, said that he and a group of international scientists filed a request for information from the Japanese regulatory agency to get access to what’s called the “biodistribution study.”

“It’s the first time ever scientists have been privy to seeing where these messenger RNA [mRNA] vaccines go after vaccination,” said Bridle. “Is it a safe assumption that it stays in the shoulder muscle? The short answer is: absolutely not. It’s very disconcerting.”

V a c c i n e researchers had assumed that novel mRNA COVID v a c c  i n es would behave like “traditional” v a c c i n e s and the vaccine spike protein — responsible for infection and its most severe symptoms — would remain mostly in the vaccination site at the shoulder muscle. Instead, the Japanese data showed that the infamous spike protein of the coronavirus gets into the blood where it circulates for several days post-vaccination and then accumulated in organs and tissues including the spleen, bone marrow, the liver, adrenal glands, and in “quite high concentrations” in the ovaries.

“We have known for a long time that the spike protein is a pathogenic protein. It is a toxin. It can cause damage in our body if it gets into circulation,” Bridle said.

The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is what allows it to infect human cells. Vaccine manufacturers chose to target the unique protein, making cells in the v a  c c i n at e d person manufacture the protein which would then, in theory, evoke an immune response to the protein, preventing it from infecting cells.

A large number of studies has shown that the most severe effects of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, such as blood clotting and bleeding, are due to the effects of the spike protein of the virus itself

“What has been discovered by the scientific community is the spike protein on its own is almost entirely responsible for the damage to the cardiovascular system, if it gets into circulation,” Bridle told listeners.

Lab animals injected with purified spike protein into their bloodstream developed cardiovascular problems, and the spike protein was also demonstrated to cross the blood brain barrier and cause damage to the brain.

A grave mistake, according to Bridle, was the belief that the spike protein would not escape into the blood circulation. “Now, we have clear-cut evidence that the vaccines that make the cells in our deltoid muscles manufacture this protein — that the vaccine itself, plus the protein — gets into blood circulation,” he said.

Bridle cited the recent study which detected SARS-CoV-2 protein in the blood plasma of 11 of 13 young healthcare workers that had received Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine, including three with detectable levels of spike protein. A 'subunit' protein called S1, part of the spike protein, was also detected. Spike protein was detected an average of 15 days after the first injection. One patient had spike protein detectable on day 29, one day after an injection, which disappeared two days later. 

Effects on heart and brain

Once in circulation, the spike protein can attach to specific ACE2 receptors that are on blood platelets and the cells that line blood vessels. “When that happens it can do one of two things: it can either cause platelets to clump, and that can lead to clotting. That’s exactly why we’ve been seeing clotting disorders associated with these vaccines. It can also lead to bleeding.” Bridle also said the spike protein in circulation would explain recently reported heart problems in youths who had received the shots.

“The results of this leaked Pfizer study tracing the biodistribution of the v a c c  i n e mRNA are not surprising, but the implications are terrifying,” Stephanie Seneff, a senior research scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, told LifeSiteNews. “It is now clear” that vaccine content is being delivered to the spleen and the glands, including the ovaries and the adrenal glands. “The released spike protein is being shed into the medium and then eventually reaches the bloodstream causing systemic damage. ACE2 receptors are common in the heart and brain, and this is how the spike protein causes cardiovascular and cognitive problems,” Seneff said.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently announced it was studying reports of “mild” heart conditions following COVID-19 vaccination, and last week 18 teenagers in the state of Connecticut alone were hospitalized for heart problems that developed shortly after they took COVID-19 vaccines.

AstraZeneca’s v a c c i n e was halted in a number of countries and is no longer recommended for younger people because of its link to life-threatening and fatal blood clots, but mRNA COVID vaccines have been linked to hundreds of reports of blood clotting events as well.

FDA warned of spike protein danger

Pediatric rheumatologist J. Patrick Whelan had warned a v a c c i n e advisory committee of the Food and Drug Administration of the potential for the spike protein in COVID vaccines to cause microvascular damage causing damage to the liver, heart, and brain in “ways that were not assessed in the safety trials.”

While Whelan did not dispute the value of a coronavirus vaccine that worked to stop transmission of the disease (which no COVID vaccine in circulation has been demonstrated to do), he said, “it would be vastly worse if hundreds of millions of people were to suffer long-lasting or even permanent damage to their brain or heart microvasculature as a result of failing to appreciate in the short-term an unintended effect of full-length spike protein-based vaccines on other organs.”

JH Weston Show

Vaccine-associated spike protein in blood circulation could explain myriad reported adverse events from COVID vaccines, including the 4,000 deaths to date, and nearly 15,000 hospitalizations, reported to the U.S government’s V a c c i n e Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) as of May 21, 2021. Because it is a passive reporting system, these reports are likely only the tip of an iceberg of adverse events since a Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare study found that less than one percent of side-effects that physicians should report in patients following vaccination are in fact reported to VAERS.

Nursing babies, children and youths, frail, most at risk

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Bridle said the discovery of vaccine-induced spike protein in blood circulation would have implications for blood donation programs. “We don’t want transfer of these pathogenic spike proteins to fragile patients who are being transfused with that blood,” he said.

The vaccine scientist also said the findings suggested that nursing babies whose mothers had been vaccinated were at risk of getting COVID spike proteins from her breast milk.

Bridle said that “any proteins in the blood will get concentrated in breast milk,” and “we have found evidence of suckling infants experiencing bleeding disorders in the gastrointestinal tract” in VAERS.

Although Bridle did not cite it, one VAERS report describes a five-month-old breastfed infant whose mother received a second dose of Pfizer’s vaccine in March. The following day, the baby developed a rash and became “inconsolable,” refused to nurse, and developed a fever. The report says the baby was hospitalized with a diagnosis of Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura, a rare blood disorder in which blood clots form in small blood vessels throughout the body. The baby died.

The new research also has “serious implications for people for whom SARS Coronavirus 2 is not a high risk pathogen, and that includes all of our children.”

Effect on fertility and pregnancy?

The high concentration of spike protein found in testes and ovaries in the secret Pfizer data released by the Japanese agency raises questions, too. “Will we be rendering young people infertile?” Bridle asked.

There have been thousands of reports of menstrual disorders by women who had taken a COVID-19 shot, and hundreds of reports of miscarriage in vaccinated pregnant women, as well as of disorders of reproductive organs in men.

Vicious smear campaign

In response to a request, Bridle emailed a statement to LifeSiteNews on Monday morning, stating that since the radio interview he had received hundreds of positive emails. He added, too, that “a vicious smear campaign has been initiated against me. This included the creation of a libelous website using my domain name.”

“Such are the times that an academic public servant can no longer answer people’s legitimate questions with honesty and based on science without fear of being harassed and intimidated,” Brindle wrote. “However, it is not in my nature to allow scientific facts to be hidden from the public.”

He attached a brief report outlining the key scientific evidence supporting what he said in the interview. It was written with his colleagues in the Canadian COVID Care Alliance (CCCA) — a group of independent Canadian doctors, scientists, and professionals whose declared aim is “to provide top quality, evidence-based information about COVID-19, intent on reducing hospitalizations and saving more lives.”

A focus of the statement was the risk to children and teens who are the target of the latest vaccine marketing strategies, including in Canada.

As of May 28, 2021, there have been 259,308 confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 infections in Canadians 19 years and under. Of these, 0.048% were hospitalized, but only 0.004% died, according to the CCCA statement. “Seasonal influenza is associated with more severe illness than COVID-19.”

Given the small number of young research subjects in Pfizer’s vaccine trials and the limited duration of clinical trials, the CCCA said questions about the spike protein and another vaccine protein must be answered before children and teens are vaccinated, including whether the vaccine spike protein crosses the blood-brain barrier, whether the vaccine spike protein interferes with semen production or ovulation, and whether the vaccine spike protein crosses the placenta and impacts a developing baby or is in breast milk.

LifeSiteNews sent the Public Health Agency of Canada the statement of CCCA and asked for a response to Bridle’s concerns. The agency responded that it was working on the questions but did not send answers before publication time.

Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson did not respond to questions about Bridle’s concerns. Pfizer did not respond to questions about how long the company was aware of its research data that the Japanese agency had released, showing spike protein in organs and tissue of vaccinated individuals.

Updated on June 1, 12:15 p.m to include an additional comment by Stephanie Seneff.

Av Ann-Christin Tjernström - 4 juni 2021 07:49

I den här artikeln beskriver Dr Joseph Mercola hur han ser på populationen och hänvisar till Mike Yeadons erfarenheter som tidigare forskare:


Are We Being Set Up for Mass Depopulation?

Analysis by Dr. Joseph MercolaFact Checked




  • Michael Yeadon, Ph.D., a life science researcher and former vice-president and chief scientist of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer, fears the combination of vaccine passports and booster vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 variants may be part of a mass depopulation agenda
  • Asymptomatic spread is a fallacy capitalized upon to spread fear and induce compliance. Only people who have discernible symptoms of a respiratory infection pose any health risk to others, because to be an efficient source of infection, you need a high viral load. If you have a high viral load, your immune system will fight back, which always induces symptoms
  • The myth of asymptomatic spread was used to justify lockdowns, which in turn were a tool get you used to giving up your freedoms and go along with the intentional decimation of the global economy and old way of life, thereby justifying the Great Reset
  • The Great Reset is about transferring global wealth and ownership rights to the technocratic elite, and giving them the power to control the world’s nations
  • Digital vaccine passports will form the foundation of an unprecedented surveillance and control platform into which your entire life will be tied, from health records to biometric ID, to an all-digital centralized banking system and a social credit system, all of which can be turned off in order to coerce you into a particular behavior

How do you market and implement a financial system that nobody would want if they understood its full ramifications — a change so huge that it not only would mean the end of currency as we know it, but a total revision of sovereignty and individual rights?

In the interview above, which is part of the full-length documentary “Planet Lockdown,”1 Michael Yeadon, Ph.D., a life science researcher and former vice-president and chief scientist of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer, shares his views on the COVID-19 pandemic, fast-tracked COVID-19 “vaccines,” the issue of mutated virus variants and the need for booster shots, and how this manufactured crisis is being used to strip us of our civil liberties.

Are You Putting the Pieces Together?

Yeadon has a degree in biochemistry and toxicology and a research-based Ph.D in respiratory pharmacology. He’s spent 32 years of his career working for large pharmaceutical companies, and 10 years in the biotechnology sector.

“I'm in favor of all modes of new medical treatments, whether they're biologicals or vaccines, small molecules, creams, sprays, ointments, whatever, but I'm fervently against unsafe medicines or medicines used in an inappropriate context,” Yeadon says.

“Some of the things I'm going to say are not favorable to the current crop of gene-based vaccines and it's [because] they're being inappropriately used. I don't think they have a sufficient safety profile to be used as a sort of wide-spectrum public health prophylactic …

A few things have allowed me, I think, to spot what's going on in the world at the moment. One, I've loved biology since I was little. I've been continuing to learn and to apply biology broadly, whether it's pharmacology, biochemistry, molecular biology [or] toxicology. I've got a very broad grounding in all things to do with life science, in terms of health and disease.


[Secondly], one of my former supervisors said that I had a remarkable facility that stood out above the sort of ordinary things you'd have to do to be a vice president or a CEO. He said I was able to spot patterns in sparse data earlier than my peers. So, when there's not enough data for most people to judge what was going on, I would often be able to see it.

I could see a pattern forming when there wasn't quite enough information … On this occasion, it allowed me, quite quickly, to work out that what we were being told about this virus and what we needed to do in order to stay safe was simply not true.”

A Massive Fraud Has Been Perpetrated

Yeadon starts out by highlighting the “enormous changes” made in the U.K.’s attribution of causes of deaths. If you die within 28 days of testing positive for SARS-CoV-2, you are counted as a COVID-19 death, regardless of other underlying conditions. The same thing was done in the U.S As noted by Yeadon:

“We've never had anything as absurd as the rule that is now used. It's not just a matter of disagreeing professionally. It's just complete nonsense.”

The shutdown of businesses and forcing healthy people to self-isolate also makes no sense. Yeadon points out that only people who are ill, who have discernible symptoms of a respiratory infection, pose any health risk to others:

“To be a good, efficient source of infection, you have to have a lot of virus. And if you have a lot of viruses attacking you, you are fighting back. That process produces symptoms, inevitably, not just occasionally. It must always happen …

And those people are not people who are walking around in the community, because if you're full of virus and symptomatic, you are also ill, and ill people tend to stay at home or in bed.”

Asymptomatic spread, which has no sound basis, was used to justify lockdowns, which never had any basis in fact or science either. Lockdowns were implemented for entirely other reasons, namely to get you used to giving up your freedoms and your normal way of life, and to make you psychologically dependent on an outside source telling you when it’s OK to do what.

It’s obedience training and a tool to get the population of the world to go along with the intentional decimation of the global economy and old way of life, thereby justifying the Great Reset, which is about transferring global wealth and ownership rights to the technocratic elite, and giving them the power to control the world’s nations.

“Basically, everything your government has told you about this virus, everything you need to do to stay safe, is a lie,” Yeadon says. “Every part of it … None of the key themes that you hear talked about — from asymptomatic transmission to top-up vaccines [i.e., booster shots] — not one of those things is supported by the science.

Every piece is cleverly chosen adjacently to something that probably is true, but is itself a lie, and has led people to where we are right now. I don't normally use phrases like this, but I think we are standing at the very gates of hell … It’s all about control …

The reason I'm commenting is because I believe it's not just about my life. More importantly, [it’s the lives] of my children and grandchildren that are being stolen … by a systematic process of fear and control that's going to culminate in, I think, some very horrible times, and I'm desperate to wake you up …

We're probably quite used to politicians occasionally telling white lies, and we kind of let them, but when they lie to you about something technical, something that you can check, and they do it [with] many, many elements of the whole event, then please, you've got to believe me, [they’re] not telling the truth.

And if they're not telling the truth, that means there's something else. And I'm here to tell you that there is something very, very bad happening. If you don't pay attention, you will soon lose any chance to do anything about it.”

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Science Has Been Turned on Its Head

Yeadon rightly notes that everything we’ve known about virology and infectious disease has been turned upside down during this pandemic. None of the standard responses known to protect people from infectious disease was followed. Normally, you quarantine the sick to contain the infection.

Locking down entire societies has never been done and has no foundation in science or the history of epidemic control. Similarly, mass testing people without symptoms is without precedence. It simply isn’t done, and for good reason. It’s a waste of resources because as Yeadon explained earlier, we know how viruses spread. This isn’t our first rodeo. We’ve dealt with infectious epidemics before.

We know how viruses work in the body. When you have an active infection, you develop symptoms as your body mounts its defense. Without symptoms, your viral load is too low to pose a threat, either to yourself or others. The myth about asymptomatic spread has been a fear tactic.


T-Cell Immunity Is Far More Important Than Antibodies

Yeadon goes on to review how we’ve been misled about immunity and how your body fights off viruses. You’ve probably heard that the thing that gives you immunity against SARS-CoV-2 is SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies.

The entire vaccination campaign is built around the premise that by injecting a synthetic piece of viral RNA into your cells, your body will start producing the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, in response to which your body will produce specific antibodies that recognize that protein. This is also known as humoral immunity.

However, while antibodies are important, especially in bacterial infections, antibodies are not the only part of your immunity. More importantly, immunity against viruses — opposed to bacteria — actually does not depend on antibodies. Yeadon explains:

“Viruses are really tiny, and their business is to get as quickly as they can inside your cells. So, they bind to a receptor on the surface and inject themselves into your cell. So, they’re inside. Antibodies are big molecules and they're generally outside your cells.

So just think about that for a moment. Antibodies and viruses are in separate compartments. The virus is inside the cell, the antibodies outside the cell. I'm not saying antibodies have no role, but they're really not very important. This has been proven. There are some people in whom a natural experiment has occurred.

They have a defect and they actually don't make antibodies, but they're able to fight off COVID-19, the virus SARS-CoV-2, quite well. The way they do that is, they have T-cell immunity, cellular immunity. [T-cells] are cells that are trained to detect virus-infected cells and to kill those cells. That's how you defend yourself against a virus.

So, all of these mentions of antibody levels, it's just bunk. It is not a good measure of whether or not you're immune. It does give evidence that you've been infected, but their persistence is not important as to whether you've got immunity …

We've known this for decades. We've known about T-cells for decades. They were clearly in my undergraduate textbooks. And we've known about their importance in defending you against respiratory viruses since probably the 1970s, certainly the 1980s. So, don't believe anything where people suggest to you that their role is uncertain. We've known for a very long time that they are absolutely central.”

Antibodies Are Not the Answer to Variants

The central role of T-cell immunity, or cellular immunity, becomes particularly pertinent when discussing the threat of variants, mutated forms of SARS-CoV-2. As mentioned, your immune system is a multifaceted system that allows your body to mount defenses against all sorts of threats. Parasites, fungi, bacteria and viruses are the main threat categories.

Each of these invades and threatens you in completely different ways, and your immune system has ways of dealing with all of them, using a variety of mechanisms.

“You've got four or five different arms of the immune system: innate immunity, mucosal, antibody, T-cells and compliment[ary systems],” Yeadon says.

“There are all of these different wonderful systems that have integrated, one with another, because it needs to defend you against all sorts of different threats in the environment. What I'm telling you is that the emphasis on antibodies in respect of respiratory viral infections is wrong, and you can establish that quite easily by doing some searching.”

In essence, what Yeadon is saying is that whether you’re going to be susceptible to variants has very little to do with whether or not you have antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, because antibodies are not your primary defense against viruses. Your T-cells are the ones doing the heavy lifting.

What this means then, is that getting booster shots for different variants is not going to help you. It will not solve the problem, because these shots do not strengthen your T-cell immunity.

Carefully Rethink Need for Booster Shots

Of all the lies we’ve been told over the past year, the ones that worry and frighten Yeadon the most are the lies about virus variants and booster shots. In fact, he believes not buying into these lies may be key to your very survival, and here’s why:

“It's quite normal for RNA viruses like SARS-CoV-2, when it replicates, to make typographical errors. It’s got a very good error detection, error correction system so it doesn't make too many typos, but it does make some, and those are called ‘variants.’

It’s really important to know that if you find the variant that's most different from the sequence identified in Wuhan, that variance … is only 0.3% different from the original sequence.

I'll say it another way. If you find the most different variance, it's 99.7% identical to the original one, and I can assure you … that amount of difference is absolutely NOT possibly able to represent itself to you as a different virus.”

He explains how, earlier in the pandemic, scientists obtained blood from patients who had been sickened with the SARS virus 17 or 18 years ago. SARS-CoV-1, responsible for that SARS outbreak, is 80% similar to SARS-CoV-2.

They wanted to know if the immune systems of these patients would be able to recognize SARS-CoV-2. They did. They still had memory T-cells against SARS-CoV-1, and those cells also recognized SARS-CoV-2, despite being only 80% similar. Now, if a 20% difference was not enough to circumvent the immune system of these patients, why should you be concerned with a variant that is at most 0.3% different from the original SARS-CoV-2? 

“When your government scientists tell you that a variant that's 0.3% different from SARS-CoV-2 could masquerade as a new virus and be a threat to your health, you should know, and I'm telling you, they are lying,” Yeadon says.

“If they're lying, and they are, why is the pharmaceutical industry making top-up [booster] vaccines? You should be terrified at this point, as I am, because there's absolutely no possible justification for their manufacture. And the world's medicines regulators have said, ‘Because they are quite similar to the original vaccines … we won't be asking them to do any clinical safety studies.’”

Are We Seeing a Mass Depopulation Agenda in Action?

Yeadon stresses that variants simply aren’t different enough to represent a threat, which is why you don’t now, and won’t in the future, need one or more booster shots. Yet they’re already being made, and regulators are giving them a free pass when it comes to safety and efficacy studies.

“I'm very frightened of that. There's no possible benign interpretation of this,” Yeadon says. “I believe they're going to be used to damage your health and possibly kill you. Seriously. I can see no sensible interpretation other than a serious attempt at mass depopulation.

This will provide the tools to do it, and plausible deniability. They'll create another story about some sort of biological threat and you'll line up and get your top-up vaccines, and a few months or a year or so later, you'll die of some peculiar inexplicable syndrome. And they won't be able to associate it with the vaccines.

That's my belief — that they're lying to you about variants so they can make damaging top-up vaccines that you don't need at all. I think they will be used for malign purposes … We know that the people [SARS-CoV-2] injures and kills are only people who are elderly and or ill, usually both, so we're talking about less than 0.1% [of the population] …

Given that this virus represents, at worst, a slightly bigger risk to the old and ill than influenza, and a smaller risk [than influenza] to almost everyone else … it was never necessary for us to have done anything. We didn't need to do anything. [We didn’t need] lockdowns, masks, mass testing, vaccines.

There are multiple therapeutic drugs that are at least as effective as the vaccines are. They're already available and cheap. Inhaled corticosteroids that are used in asthma reduced symptomatology by about 90%.

An off-patent drug called ivermectin, one of the most widely-used drugs in the world, is also able to reduce symptoms at any stage of the disease, including lethality by about 90%. So, you don't need vaccines and you don't need any of the measures that have been introduced at all.”

Key Safety Concerns of mRNA ‘Vaccines’

In December 2020, Yeadon filed a petition2 calling on the European Medicine Agency to halt Phase 3 clinical trials of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine until they’ve been restructured to address critical safety concerns. Of course, those trials were not halted. The four key safety concerns Yeadon specified in his petition3 were:

1.The potential for formation of non-neutralizing antibodies that can trigger an exaggerated immune reaction (referred to as paradoxical immune enhancement or antibody-dependent immune amplification) when the individual is exposed to the real “wild” virus post-vaccination.

Antibody-dependent amplification has been repeatedly demonstrated in coronavirus vaccine trials on animals.4 While the animals initially tolerated the vaccine well and had robust immune responses, they later became severely ill or died when infected with the wild virus. Put plainly, the vaccine increased their susceptibility to the virus and made them more likely to die from the infection.

2.Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine contains polyethylene glycol (PEG), and studies have shown 70% of people develop antibodies against this substance. This suggests PEG may trigger fatal allergic reactions in many who receive the vaccine.

Indeed, within days of the vaccine’s release, reports started coming in of people having life-threatening anaphylactic reactions,5 leading to warnings that people with known allergies should not take the Pfizer vaccine.6 Since then, anaphylactic reactions have been reported by recipients of the Moderna mRNA vaccine as well.7

3.The mRNA vaccine triggers your body to produce antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, and spike proteins in turn contain syncytin-homologous proteins that are essential for the formation of placenta. If a woman’s immune system starts reacting against syncytin-1, then there is the possibility she could become infertile.

This is an issue that none of the vaccine studies is looking at specifically. Mass vaccinating women of childbearing age against COVID-19 could potentially have the devastating consequence of causing mass infertility if the vaccine triggers an immune reaction against syncytin-1.

4.The studies are far too brief in duration to allow a realistic estimation of side effects. Depending on what those effects end up being, millions of people may be exposed to unacceptable risk in return for a very minor benefit. 

Health Freedom Undermined in the Name of ‘Emergency’

Even more fundamental than any particular safety concern is the fact that a vaccination campaign of this magnitude, using an entirely novel technology, sets a most dangerous public health precedent. By drumming up unnecessary panic, many are now willing to forgo all manner of freedom in the name of responding to a global health emergency.

One of these core freedoms is your right to refuse an experimental medical procedure. This freedom was acknowledged in the Nuremberg Code of 19478 and enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which states that “no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.”9

Yet despite that, and despite the fact that clinical vaccine trials are still two years out from being completed, governments around the world are talking about making these vaccinations mandatory, or blackmailing people to take them against their will by encouraging private businesses to restrict access to vaccinated-only.

As noted by Yeadon and many others, the implementation of vaccine passports has nothing to do with protecting public health and everything to do with setting into place a surveillance, tracking and control mechanism that can easily be expanded into all other areas of life, thereby controlling your every move.

“[Vaccine passports] are not required at all,” Yeadon says. “What they provide, though, is complete control over your movements to whoever controls the database that your vaccination status is connected to. I hope you grasp this because this is not optional.

This is what's going to take over your life in a way that George Orwell in ‘1984’ didn't even dream of. Imagine you've been vaccinated and you've been awarded a vaccine passport on an app. It's going to be the world's first database that contains your name, a unique digital ID in the same format as absolutely everybody else on the planet on the same database.

It'll have like an editable health-related flag that will say [whether] you've been vaccinated. If you haven't been, the algorithm that rules that works out what you can do … That's what's going to control the rest of your lives until you die.”

Vaccine Passport Is a Ticket to Tyranny, or Worse

Indeed, I’ve written several articles detailing how the tracking of vaccination status will usher in a surveillance apparatus greater than anything we’ve ever experienced before.

The precedent being set up right now is one that, in the future, will grant health authorities the “right” to force any number of experimental drugs, vaccines and technologies upon us in the name of public health. If the right to refuse an experimental medical procedure is not upheld now, the entire population of the earth will be available for experimentation without recourse. 

I'm absolutely terrified that the combination of vaccine passports and top-up vaccines is going to lead to mass depopulation, deliberate execution, potentially of billions of people. ~ Michael Yeadon, Ph.D

But that’s not all. This initial vaccine surveillance system will ultimately be tied into other digital systems, such as all other medical records, biometric ID and an all-digital banking system.

The implementation of a Google-based social credit system, similar to that implemented in China in 2018, is also highly likely. Under a social credit system, points are awarded or subtracted for certain types of behavior. When your score falls below a certain point, punishment is meted out in the form of travel restrictions or the inability to obtain a loan, for example.

“Don't allow their system to come into force,” Yeadon says. “It's going to be used to coerce you. I believe if you allow a vaccine passport to come into force, you'll be pinged one day and it'll advise you to go to the medical center to have your top-up vaccine.

If you choose not to get your vaccine, your passport validity will expire, which means you won't be able to enter a shop. You may not be able to use your bank card. All somebody needs to do is set a rule that says ‘After a given a date, before any bank card can be used, a vaccine passport has to be [validated] …

I'm absolutely terrified that the combination of vaccine passports and top-up vaccines is going to lead to mass depopulation, deliberate execution, potentially of billions of people.

You can stop it once you've heard what I'm saying. Even if you like the idea of vaccine passports, put the thing in place using written records or something … but do not allow it to be on an interoperable global fixed-format database, because that will be the end of human freedoms. And I just see no way of recovering from that.”



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